Eun / MoveToDesktop

Move windows using hotkeys or the system menu
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Move to Specific Desktop Using WIN+ALT+Numpad #42

Open mzomparelli opened 7 years ago

mzomparelli commented 7 years ago

I would like to move the selected window to desktop 3. I want to do so by pressing WIN+ALT+Numpad3. This is how I had it setup when I used VirtualWin before Microsoft implemented the feature into Windows.

M3Rocket commented 7 years ago

I like this idea--this would be a nice enhancement!

mzomparelli commented 7 years ago

I'd pay for this feature. Without this, I find the entire process too cumbersome and because of that, I'm not really using "workspaces" as much as I would like to. I'd use VirtuaWin still, but it doesn't handle Excel windows very well.

mzomparelli commented 7 years ago

I actually just went ahead and created a C# app that can switch desktops using the numpad and move windows via the numpad. Next up is a hotkey to pin and unpin windows. I will have the app on my Github soon.

mzomparelli commented 7 years ago

This is my version.

Navigate Desktops: WindowsKey + ALT + NumPad Move Windows: WindowsKey + CTRL + NumPad

I've also implemented a system tray icon that informs you which desktop you are on.

For this to work properly you must create 9 desktops.