Eun / MoveToDesktop

Move windows using hotkeys or the system menu
1.05k stars 110 forks source link

Looking for Testers and Icon #48

Open Eun opened 6 years ago

Eun commented 6 years ago

Hey Guys, thank you for sticking to the Software,
I am currently working on a newer improved version with a GUI.

Anyone is invited to test the software. You can download the beta 1.5 here.

The tray icon is a setup icon because I have no Icon yet.

However I am also looking for an Icon so if somebody has some time and is creative, feel free to submit one.


mzomparelli commented 6 years ago

Are you looking for number icons? This site is a good choice. It's totally worth buying a few for a couple bucks. This is the site where I got most of mine. Nice app by the way. You are making good improvements.

jat255 commented 6 years ago

I'm running 1.5, and I've noticed that sometimes when moving a window, it it doesn't switch to the next desktop as well. I have my settings setup for "move and switch". Running MTD as admin, and it doesn't seem to matter if the window I'm trying to move is elevated or not. I can't pin down why it happens sometimes and not other times, though.

gtalarico commented 6 years ago

@Eun happy to test Here are some icon ideas if you still need them:


movetodesktop3-08 movetodesktop3-01 movetodesktop3-03

another options

Eun commented 6 years ago

Icons look good, do you made them by yourself? Or where do you got them from? License? I would be happy to use the first one.

gtalarico commented 6 years ago

I made them for this project, not license. Use as you wish! The 3 pngs at the top are 64, 32, and 16 px pngs with transparent backgrounds I can also post the vector file if you would like.

gtalarico commented 6 years ago

xan2622 commented 5 years ago

This license seems to fit the goal of this icon :