Eun / MoveToDesktop

Move windows using hotkeys or the system menu
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hey! is there a hotkey for the move to new desktop? #49

Closed qwfpg closed 6 years ago

mzomparelli commented 6 years ago

@ieikhelberg You can move windows by using WIN+ALT+Left/Right

Alternatively, you can try this app.

qwfpg commented 6 years ago

@mzomparelli thank you, I'm tried it. But this app does not allow move windows to the NEW desktop.

mzomparelli commented 6 years ago

zVirtualDesktop will. If you try and move a window to a desktop that doesn't exist then it will create it for you. Try and let me know what you think.

qwfpg commented 6 years ago

@mzomparelli no, it's not what I need.

qwfpg commented 6 years ago

@mzomparelli for example: I have a several virtual desktops. On each of them one application is launched. When I open a new application on the desktop 1, I want to move it to a NEW DESKTOP, and not to the next one. Using hot keys.

mzomparelli commented 6 years ago

@ieikhelberg you can do this with zVD, but only if you know the number of your last desktop. For instance, if I have 3 desktops, then I could move a window from desktop 1 to desktop 4 using ALT+WIN+4. I could use CTRL+ALT+WIN+4 to move the window and navigate to desktop 4. I could easily add a hotkey action to move to a new desktop. In fact, I'm doing that right now. This way you won't have to know how many desktops you have.

qwfpg commented 6 years ago

@mzomparelli no, this is a bad way. I want to setup my trackpad for this hotkey.

qwfpg commented 6 years ago

@mzomparelli I'll be grateful to you, if you'll do it

mzomparelli commented 6 years ago

@ieikhelberg try getting a new zVD with the below link. I just compiled an update. Then setup a hotkey like this. If this doesn't work then tell me more about how you want the hotkey to work with the trackpad.


mzomparelli commented 6 years ago

@ieikhelberg also check out DesktopView in zVD.

qwfpg commented 6 years ago

@mzomparelli it is great! Thank you very much!