Eunomiac / stone-story

Mind Stone scripts for Stone Story, made in a vacuum as I learned the game!
The Unlicense
16 stars 1 forks source link

PC / Stuck at Deadwood Canyon 12* #4

Open dphdmn opened 1 month ago

dphdmn commented 1 month ago

I'm pretty sure it should not apply debufs to Poena, because it seems that it is all just getting reflected back to the player, and then she one-shots me all the time, and I can't do anything with 3 ice-debufs on me.

dphdmn commented 1 month ago

I should note that I don't have too much progress in game (~almost all weapons maxed with +10 ench.) But for some of locations it works much worse than for the others

Here's my config

// =============================================================================
// ================================================ CONFIG =====================
// =============================================================================

var smiteThreshold = 6               // Min number of foes to activate Blade of the Fallen God
var dmgDebuffThreshold = 7           // Total damage debuff on yourself before switching out of low-damage weapons
var splashThreshold = 3              // Total number of foes needed to switch to 'splashMeleeWeapon' (below)
var foeArmorThreshold = 50           // If foe's armor exceeds this, switch to 'antiArmorMeleeWeapon' (below)
var fastArmorShieldMax = 14          // Max armor of "Armor/sec"-enchanted shield, if you have one ('fastArmorShield', below)
var maxPickPocketBuffs = 1          // Max number of pick-pocket buffs you can have (see your Skeleton Arm's stats for this number)
var maxOverAvgToExitMult = 1.15      // If, during a speed run ('SHIFT+S' hotkey toggle), your current time exceeds your average time
                                     //   multiplied by this number, you'll auto-exit the stage (to prevent your average
                                     //   taking a hit).  Set to 0 to disable.
var devourFireRuneThreshold = 3      // The number of ignition stacks on a non-boss foe required to trigger Cinderwisp's devour.
                                     //   Set to 0 to never trigger devour against non-bosses.
var devourFireRuneBossThreshold = 10 // Same as above, but for bosses.
                                     //   Set to 0 to never trigger devour against bosses.

// ---- ARSENAL ----
// If you don't have a weapon for the indicated slot, or you don't want to change your weapon in the
//  situation described, set the value to 'false' (without any quotes).

var splashMeleeWeapon = "big aether sword dU +10"    // Name of melee splash weapon for when foes exceed 'splashThreshold'
var healthHammer = "vigor hammer dL +8"               // Name of rune hammer enchanted with health bonus for defensive potion combo
var antiArmorMeleeWeapon = "heavy hammer +10"           // Name of melee weapon to equip vs. strong armor
var debuffDamageWeapon = "poison sword dP +10"      // Name of weapon to apply debuff_damage (poison)
var debuffDoTWeapon = "fire sword dF +11"           // Name of weapon to apply debuff_dot (fire)
var debuffChillWeapon = "ice sword dI +10"          // Name of weapon to apply debuff_chill (ice)                                           
var magicRangedWeapon = "ice wand dI +11"           // Name of magical ranged weapon (able to hit physical-immune enemies)
var lifeStealMeleeWeapon = false                // Name of health-stealing melee weapon
var lifeStealRangedWeapon = false               // Name of health-stealing ranged weapon
var lifeStealShield = "vigor shield ah +8"          // Name of heal-when-hit shield
var icePillarWeapon = "big aether sword dU +10"      // Name of weapon to use when facing ice pillars/wall in Icy Ridge
var fastArmorShield = "compound shield +10"     // Name of "Armor/sec"-enchanted shield
var strongArmorShield = "compound shield +11"   // Name of "Armor"-enchanted shield
var iceWandA = "ice wand dI +11"                   // Name of first speed-enchanted chill wand for smite combo
var iceWandB = "ice wand dI +11"                   // Name of second speed-enchanted chill wand for smite combo
var iceWandBossA = "ice wand dI +11"             //TODO why lowstar???// Name of first low-star speed-enchanted chill wand for smite combo vs. bosses
var iceWandBossB = "ice wand dI +11"            //TODO  why lowstar???// Name of second low-star speed-enchanted chill wand for smite combo vs. bosses
var stoneHammerA = "stone hammer +10"            //Name of first stun-enchanted stone hammer for stun-locking
var stoneHammerB = "stone hammer +10"            // Name of second stun-enchanted stone hammer for stun-locking

// ---- QUEST FLAGS ----
// Toggle these on to activate special script logic related to satisfying certain quest objectives.

var isOnPPKillQuest = false    // When true, Skeleton Arm will only activate when it can kill its target.

var rangedOverride = "repeating crossbow +10"       // Ranged Weapon to equip when [X] held down

// *** IMPORTANT *** --- You have to use this with a nonmagical ranged weapon to defeat R.I.Pieces,
//                         the mid-level boss in high-level Halls runs, to kill it by shooting through the
//                         ghosts it spawns; otherwise, you risk being overrun.
//                       IF 'rangedOverride' is a magical weapon (i.e. a runestone, rune staff, rune wand),
//                         change the following to a non-magical ranged weapon; it will be chosen instead
//                         of 'rangedOverride' when [X] is held down while in the Halls location:
var nonMagicRangedOverride = rangedOverride

var mainWeapon = "stone sword +10"    //Name of default main melee weapon
var mainOffhand = "stone sword +9"    // Name of second 1-handed weapon (for fights where shields aren't helpful)
var mainRanged = "repeating crossbow +10" //Name of default main ranged weapon
var mainShield = strongArmorShield    //Name of default main shield (your 'strongArmorShield' is usually ideal)

var elemWeapons = [  // Names of melee weapons used to take advantage of elemental weaknesses
                     //   (set to 'mainWeapon' to default to that)
^mainWeapon,           // BASE
^debuffDamageWeapon,     // POISON (vs. Vigor)
^mainWeapon,      // VIGOR (vs. Aether)
^mainWeapon,     // AETHER (vs. Fire)
^debuffDoTWeapon,       // FIRE (vs. Ice)
^debuffChillWeapon     // ICE (vs. Poison)

var elemOffHand = [  // Name of second one-handed melee weapon, for double-wielding against
                     //   elemental bosses (set to 'mainOffhand' to default to that)
^mainOffhand,          // BASE
^mainOffhand,          // POISON (vs. Vigor)
^mainOffhand,          // VIGOR (vs. Aether)
^mainOffhand,          // AETHER (vs. Fire)
^mainOffhand,          // FIRE (vs. Ice)
^mainOffhand     // ICE (vs. Poison)

var elemRanged = [  // Names of ranged weapons used to take advantage of elemental weaknesses
                    //   (set to 'mainRanged' to default to that)
^mainRanged,           // BASE
^mainRanged,  // POISON (vs. Vigor)
^mainRanged,      // VIGOR (vs. Aether)
^mainRanged,  // AETHER (vs. Fire)
^mainRanged,    // FIRE (vs. Ice)
^mainRanged,      // ICE (vs. Poison)

var elemShields = [  // Names of shields used to take advantage of elemental weaknesses
                     //   (set to 'mainShield' to default to that)
^mainShield,           // BASE
^mainShield,           // POISON (vs. Vigor)
^mainShield,           // VIGOR (vs. Aether)
^mainShield,           // AETHER (vs. Fire)
^mainShield,           // FIRE (vs. Ice)
^mainShield            // ICE (vs. Poison)

// ---- POTIONS ----
var locPotions = [   // The preset functions usually do a good job of getting the right potion,
                     //   but you can replace any of them with, e.g. "berserk" to always
                     //   brew a berserk potion at the start of the given location. 
^U.getHealingPotion(),     // Rocky Plateau 
^U.getHealingPotion(),     // Deadwood Canyon
^U.getHealingPotion(),     // Caves of Fear
^U.getHealingPotion(),     // Mushroom Forest
^U.getHealingPotion(),     // Haunted Halls
^U.getOffensivePotion(),   // Boiling Mine
^U.getOffensivePotion(),   // Icy Ridge
^U.getOffensivePotion()    // Temple

var forcedPotions = [ // If one of these potions is brewed at start of run, do not override it
^"Invisibility Potion"

// To squeeze the best times out of your runs, you can configure the script to skip applying
//  debuffs when a boss is about to die.

var poisonDebuffThreshold = // When boss' (hp + armor) is LOWER than this multiple, do NOT apply poison's damage debuff.
^[                          //    (0 = always apply debuff; 1 = never apply debuff)
^0,    // Dysangelos (Rocky Plateau)
^1,    // Poena (Deadwood Canyon)
^1,    // Bolesh (Caves of Fear)
^0.25, // Morel (Mushroom Forest)
^1,    // Pallas (Haunted Halls)
^1,    // Bronze Guardian (Boiling Mine)
^0.15, // Hrimnir (Icy Ridge)
^0.15  // Nagaraja (Temple)

var iceDebuffThreshold =    // When boss' (hp + armor) is LOWER than this multiple, do NOT apply ice's chill debuff.
^[                          //    (0 = always apply debuff; 1 = never apply debuff)
^0.1,  // Dysangelos (Rocky Plateau)
^1,    // Poena (Deadwood Canyon)
^1,    // Bolesh (Caves of Fear)
^0.1,  // Morel (Mushroom Forest)
^0.1,  // Pallas (Haunted Halls)
^1,    // Bronze Guardian (Boiling Mine)
^1,    // Hrimnir (Icy Ridge)
^1     // Nagaraja (Temple)

var fireDebuffThreshold =   // When boss' (hp + armor) is LOWER than this multiple, do NOT apply fire's DoT debuff.
^[                          //    (0 = always apply debuff; 1 = never apply debuff)
^0.05, // Dysangelos (Rocky Plateau)
^1,    // Poena (Deadwood Canyon)
^1,    // Bolesh (Caves of Fear)
^0.1,  // Morel (Mushroom Forest)
^0.05, // Pallas (Haunted Halls)
^1,    // Bronze Guardian (Boiling Mine)
^0.15, // Hrimnir (Icy Ridge)
^0.05  // Nagaraja (Temple)

var maskDebuffThreshold =   // When boss' (hp + armor) is LOWER than this multiple, do NOT apply cultist mask's feeble debuff.
^[                          //    (0 = always apply debuff; 1 = never apply debuff)
^0.15, // Dysangelos (Rocky Plateau)
^1,    // Poena (Deadwood Canyon)
^0.15, // Bolesh (Caves of Fear)
^0.15, // Morel (Mushroom Forest)
^0.15, // Pallas (Haunted Halls)
^1,    // Bronze Guardian (Boiling Mine)
^0.15, // Hrimnir (Icy Ridge)
^1     // Nagaraja (Temple)

// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
// _ _ _ _ _ _=== END CONFIG === _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
// _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _