Euphillya / Skyllia

Skyblock Plugin for Folia (Minecraft) and PaperMC
MIT License
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English language.toml #32

Closed TheDiscordian closed 6 months ago

TheDiscordian commented 6 months ago

I did a ChatGPT translation of language.toml, it turned out quite well:

config-version = 1
verbose = false

        sucess = "The player has been added to your trust list until the next restart or until you remove them directly. Note that a trusted person has the same permissions as a member of your island."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia trust <player>"
        close = "Your island is now closed."
        open = "Your island is now open."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia expel <player>"
        player-not-in-island = "The player is not on your island."
        player-failed = "The player cannot be expelled from your island."
        fail-high-equals-status = "You cannot modify your own permissions or the permissions of roles higher than yours."
        success = "The island has been successfully deleted."
        only-owner = "Sorry, only the owner can execute this command."
        failed-player-in-island = "The player cannot be banned as they are a member of your island."
        success = "The player has been banned from your island."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia ban <player>"
        not-member = "The player is not a member of the island."
        error = "An error occurred. Please contact an administrator."
        only-owner = "Only the island owner can do this."

            not-safe = "The location is not safe! Teleportation not possible."
            not-found = "The player is not found."
            offline = "The player is offline."
            no-island = "You do not have an island!"
            permission-denied = "You do not have permission to do this."
            already-exist = "You already have an island."
            command-already-execution = "The command is already being executed, please wait a moment."
            not-in-island = "You must be on your island."
        success = "You have been teleported to your island."

            success = "You have updated your home!"
        fail = "Player %s cannot be promoted."
        fail-high-equals-status = "You cannot promote a player to your rank or higher."
        success = "Player %s has been promoted."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia promote <member>"
        success = "The player has been unbanned."
        player-not-banned = "The player is not banned."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia unban <player>"
        failed = "The player was not banned for an unknown reason."
        fail = "Player %s cannot be demoted."
        fail-high-equals-status = "You cannot demote a player of your rank or higher."
        success = "Player %s has been demoted."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia demote <member>"
        success = "The gamerule has been updated."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia gamerule <GAMERULE> <true/false>"
        failed = "An error occurred while updating the gamerule."
        gamerule-invalid = "The gamerule does not exist."
        fail-high-equals-status = "You cannot kick a player of your rank or higher."
        success = "You are now a member of the island!"
        failed = "The player could not be kicked. If the problem persists, contact an administrator."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia kick <player>"
        change-in-progress = "Biome change in progress. Please note that it takes time... A message will alert you when the process is complete."
        success = "Biome change in the chunk where you were is complete!"
        only-island = "The command can only be executed on an island."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia biome <biome>"
        biome-not-exist = "The biome %s does not exist."
        success = "You have left your island."
        failed = "You could not leave your island. If the problem persists, contact an administrator."
        he-is-owner = "You cannot leave your island because you are the owner!"
        permissions-invalid = "This permission does not exist."
        role-invalid = "The role is invalid, possibilities: <OWNER/CO_OWNER/MODERATOR/MEMBER/VISITOR/BAN>"
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia permission <island/commands/inventory> <OWNER/CO_OWNER/MODERATOR/MEMBER/VISITOR/BAN> <PERMISSION_NAME> <true/false>"
        permission-type-invalid = "The type is invalid, possibilities: <island/commands/inventory>"

            success = "Permission has been updated!"
            failed = "The change could not be made."
        success = "The new owner of the island is: %new_owner%"
        type-no-exist = "The selected island type does not exist."
        finish = "Welcome to your island!"
        error = "An error occurred while creating the island."
        in-progress = "The island is being created"
        schem-no-exist = "The schematic to create the island does not exist."
        success = "The member is no longer part of your trusts."
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia untrust <player>"
        failed = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia untrust <player>"
        already-on-an-island = "You are already on an island!"
        not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia invite <add/accept/decline> <player/island_owner>"

            notification-player = "Player %player_invite% has invited you to their island. To accept: /skyllia invite accept %player_invite%. To decline: /skyllia invite decline %player_invite%"
            pending = "Player %s has been invited successfully. Waiting for a response..."
            not-enough-args = "You must specify which island you want to decline: /skyllia invite add <player>"
            owner-not-island = "The island of player %s was not found."
            not-enough-args = "You must specify which island you want to decline: /skyllia invite decline <island_owner>"
            owner-not-island = "The island of player %s was not found."
            success = "You are now a member of the island!"
            max-member-exceeded = "The maximum member limit of the island has been reached. You cannot join the island."
            not-enough-args = "You must specify which island you want to join: /skyllia invite accept <island_owner>"
        island-not-open = "The island is closed."
        success = "You have been teleported to %player%'s island."
        player-not-island = "The player does not have an island."
        not-enough-args = "You must specify the name of the island you want to visit: /skyllia visit <player>"
        player-banned = "You are banned from the island."
        success = "Your warp: %s has been created."
        not-enough-args = "You must specify the name of the warp to save: /skyllia <set/del>warp <warp_name>"

            not-exist = "The requested warp does not exist."
            success = "You have been teleported to the requested warp."
            success = "The warp has been deleted."
            can-not-delete-home = "You cannot delete the home warp."
                no-confirm = "You did not add \"confirm\" at the end."
                nan = "The specified number is incorrect."
                not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skyllia setmaxmembres value confirm"
                no-confirm = "You must add \"confirm\" at the end of your command."
                not-enough-args = "The player's name is missing."
                no-confirm = "You must add the argument \"confirm\" at the end of your command."
                success = "The number of people on the island has been successfully changed."
                nan = "You did not choose an integer."
                not-enough-args = "The command is incomplete: /skylladmin setsize <player/uuid> <number> confirm"
                failed = "The change could not be made."

I'd be happy to PR this in, but I'm unsure how you'd like it done đŸ˜ƒ.

Euphillya commented 6 months ago

It has to be put this way

TheDiscordian commented 6 months ago

You want me to convert it to Markdown? But then someone looking to use the language has to convert it back to TOML. Or perhaps I'm not understanding.

Euphillya commented 6 months ago

After that, it's just a Wiki, so people will just have to copy and customize.