Euphoria16 / Shapley-NAS

[CVPR 2022] Implementation of "Shapley-NAS: Discovering Operation Contribution for Neural Architecture Search"
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Unable to reproduce the CIFAR-10 results claimed in the paper #6

Open aheuillet opened 1 year ago

aheuillet commented 1 year ago


I ran the code of Shapley-NAS on CIFAR-10 and was unable to reproduce the results claimed in the paper. I got similar results (~96.96 % top 1 accuracy) with both the provided genotype and a newly searched one. This is far from the results mentioned in the paper (97.53 % average with 0.04 std). This is consistent with the results another user obtained in issue #2 . I used the commands provided in the README and the default hyperparameters. Have I done something wrong? I included the log files for information.


log_provided_genotype_C10.txt log_searched_genotype_C10.txt