EurekaCommunity / SplitRow

A row for Eureka to put two rows side by side into the same UITableViewCell
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How to get value of SplitRow after submitting form #14

Closed alonreptor closed 6 years ago

alonreptor commented 6 years ago

For Eureka rows:

    // Get the value of a single row
    let row: DateInlineRow? = form.rowBy(tag: "date")
    let dateValue = row?.value

but i cant get it for SplitRow

Please advise

marbetschar commented 6 years ago

@alonreptor it works quite the same way for SplitRow. The only difference is, you get a value of type SplitRowValue<L,R> back, which is a container object holding the values of the embedded rows.

that said, you can access the values like follows:

let row = form.rowBy(tag: "splitRowTag") as? SplitRow<PushRow<String>,DateRow>
let leftValue = row?.value?.left
let rightValue = row?.value?.right

Closing the issue for now. feel free to reopen if it does not work out.

pilloom commented 5 years ago

I use SplitRow, I need to obtain values trough self.form.values(), when i do:

    let formvalues = self.form.values()
    let some_answer = formvalues["ingredients"]

i obtain this:

Optional(Optional([Optional(EurekaTest.SplitRowValue<Swift.Int, Swift.String>(left: Optional(1600), right: Optional("Flour"))), Optional(EurekaTest.SplitRowValue<Swift.Int, Swift.String>(left: Optional(360), right: Optional("Water")))]))

How can i get the values L,F for each row?

if i cast

let some_answer = formvalues["ingredients"] as? SplitRow<String,String>

some_answer return nil

marbetschar commented 5 years ago

@pilloom it looks like you have a value of the type SplitRowValue<Int, String>. Try:

let some_answer = formvalues["ingredients"] as? SplitRowValue<Int, String>
print("leftValue:", some_answer?.left, "rightValue:", some_answer?.right)
masliev commented 5 years ago

@marbetschar Could you please give me an advice. I can't get the values from my SplitRow. My form:

        MultivaluedSection(multivaluedOptions: [.Insert, .Delete],
                           header: "Language you want to learn",
                           footer: "Select language and level") {
                            $0.tag = "want_to_learn_languages"
                            $0.multivaluedRowToInsertAt = { index in
                                return SplitRow<ActionSheetRow<String>, ActionSheetRow<String>>(){
                                    $0.rowLeft = ActionSheetRow<String>(){
                                        $0.options = ["English", "Spanish", "Portuguese", "Chinese", "German", "French", "Italian"]

                                    $0.rowRight = ActionSheetRow<String>(){
                                        $0.options = ["Beginner", "Intermediate", "Fluent"]
                            $0 <<< SplitRow<ActionSheetRow<String>, ActionSheetRow<String>>(){
                                $0.rowLeft = ActionSheetRow<String>(){
                                    $0.options = ["English", "Spanish", "Portuguese", "Chinese", "German", "French", "Italian"]

                                $0.rowRight = ActionSheetRow<String>(){
                                    $0.title = "Select level"
                                    $0.options = ["Beginner", "Intermediate", "Fluent"]

This : var values = self.form.values() let result = values["want_to_learn_languages"]


Optional(Optional([Optional(SplitRow.SplitRowValue<Swift.String, Swift.String>(left: Optional("German"), right: Optional("Beginner"))), Optional(SplitRow.SplitRowValue<Swift.String, Swift.String>(left: Optional("German"), right: Optional("Beginner")))]))

But i can't unwrap it in any ways.

I tried: let result = values["want_to_learn_languages"] as? SplitRowValue<String, String>

let result = values["want_to_learn_languages"] as? SplitRow<ActionSheetRow, ActionSheetRow>

let result = values["want_to_learn_languages"] as? SplitRowValue<ActionSheetRow, ActionSheetRow>

and some more, but everytime i get nil

marbetschar commented 5 years ago

@masliev I assume you are running into issues because of the MultivaluedSection. Therefore the values["want_to_learn_languages"] may contain multiple rows - and therefore values. Or in other words, I think you should expect an array there.

That said, try the following (untested):

let result = values["want_to_learn_languages"] as? [SplitRowValue<ActionSheetRow<String>, ActionSheetRow<String>>]

UPDATE: A closer look at your print does indeed return an array - it's just not that easy to see:

Optional(SplitRow.SplitRowValue<Swift.String, Swift.String>(left: Optional("German"), right: Optional("Beginner"))), Optional(SplitRow.SplitRowValue<Swift.String, Swift.String>(left: Optional("German"), right: Optional("Beginner")))

From reading that output more carefully, it should work like this:

let result = values["want_to_learn_languages"] as? [SplitRowValue<String, String>]
masliev commented 5 years ago

@marbetschar Many thanks sir, it works perfectly!!! Also thank you for the quick response.

amsubhanTV commented 3 years ago

how can we get Split row left and right values dynamically without specifying Left and Rights types (SplitRowValue<String,Double>).

For example if i have 5 different rows of split rows (which means total form items would be 10) so how can i get values of each row in 'String?'. Currently I have to iterate over all 5 rows and check all possible combinations for SplitRowValues like SplitRowValue<Double, Double>, SplitRowValue<String, Double>, SplitRowValue<Double, String> and so on.

marbetschar commented 3 years ago

If I understand your question correct, then the short answer is: You can't.

That's how static typed languages such as Swift work by design: You need to provide the type at compile time and if you want to convert a Double to a String, you need to tell the compiler how to do that.

So from the compilers point of view, each of the following represents a unique type - and there is no such thing such as a "subpart of a type":