Euro-BioImaging / BatchConvert

A nextflow based tool that wraps bfconvert and bioformats2raw to convert image data collections to OME-TIFF and OME-Zarr, respectively, in a parallelised manner.
MIT License
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Availability on other operating systems (at least on osx) #28

Open k-dominik opened 7 months ago

k-dominik commented 7 months ago

Hello @bugraoezdemir,

I felt like trying out batchconvert to convert some of the example data I use on a regular to ome-zarr (nothing big). However, I found that there is no conda package for osx. I checked the dependencies:

  - nextflow >=23.10.1
  - python >=3.9

and this doesn't look limiting at all. I found some conda recipe in one of your branches here, but, didn't want to dig too deep before knowing if the current version that is on conda is available somewhere here as code.

Do you currently see any limitations that wouldn't allow to run in osx?

Cheers Dominik

bugraoezdemir commented 7 months ago

Hi @k-dominik,

Thanks for noting this. So far it has only been tested on Ubuntu 20.04, and to a lesser degree, CentOS Linux 7. But I agree that there is no obvious reason why it should not work on osx (maybe with some minor modifications).

The current version on conda was directly built from the channel conda_version_dev. If you prefer, you can download the conda package here.

I will look into this soon. It would be good to see that it works on osx.

Cheers, Bugra