EvEmu-Project / evemu_Crucible

Emulator for EvE Online's Crucible expansion
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Dragging charges to reload part-filled weapon in station results in exception #197

Open matthew1smith opened 2 years ago

matthew1smith commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Dragging stacks of charges to reload a part-filled hybrid turret results in an exception. Doesn't matter which tab (Items/Cargo) is used.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. /create 7487 2 To create 2x Modal Light Electron Particle Accelerator I
  2. /create 222 500 To create 500x Antimatter Charge S.
  3. Dock at station if not already.
  4. Fit turrets into high slots (I used a Merlin, which I used the GM Give skills button for flying).
  5. Split ammo into two stacks, 1x100 and 1x400.
  6. Drag the 100 stack into a turret.
  7. Drag the 400 stack into the same turret.

Expected behavior The required amount of ammo should transfer into the target fitted weapon, leaving the remainder in the stack.

System Details (please complete the following information):

Additional context Error message: 10:38:34 [Service] alert::BeanCount() 10:38:34 [Service] alert::SendClientStackTraceAlert() EXCEPTION #5 logged at 03/22/2022 20:38:34 OnModuleAttributeChanges::Unexpected exception

Caught at: /common/lib/bluepy.py(86) CallWrapper /client/script/dogma/clientdogmalocation.py(215) OnModuleAttributeChanges

Thrown at: /client/script/dogma/clientdogmalocation.py(192) OnModuleAttributeChanges itemID = 140000184 self = <dogmax.DogmaLocation instance at 0x076040A8> eventName = 'OnModuleAttributeChange' attributeID = 805 oldValue = None time = 132924191143104400L ownerID = 90000002 changes = [(...)] newValue = 100 change = ('OnModuleAttributeChange', 90000002, 140000184, 805, 132924191143104400L, 100, None) TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

Thread Locals: session was <Session: (sid:7464734182547885531, clientID:0, mutating:0, locationid:60014689, corprole:0x0, userid:3, languageID:EN, role:0x62f8000280c41000L, charid:90000002, address:, userType:30, sessionType:5, regionid:10000064, constellationid:20000727, warfactionid:0, corpid:1000168, stationid:60014689, stationid2:60014689, worldspaceid:60014689, solarsystemid2:30004971, hqID:60014689, baseID:60014689, rolesAtAll:0x0, rolesAtHQ:0x0, rolesAtBase:0x0, rolesAtOther:0x0, genderID:1, bloodlineID:8, raceID:8, corpAccountKey:1000)>