EvEmu-Project / evemu_Crucible

Emulator for EvE Online's Crucible expansion
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Staging - Character creation crashes server with 2 errors and caught signal 6 #242

Open 5anitybane opened 1 year ago

5anitybane commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Trying to get set up for helping with dungeons. Transition from character creation to in-game station crashes the server with 2x errors and caught signal 6.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create account through the initial log-in screen.
  2. Create a Ni-Kunni male.
  3. Select option 1 for top, bottom and feet. No other selections.
  4. Take character profile image as is - no pose or lighting changes etc.
  5. Select Border Runners Ancestry.
  6. Select Hedion University Education.
  7. Error occurs almost half-way through the progress bar, just after it says 'Portrait Upload Successful.'

Expected behavior Game loads into default station per character set-up with created character.


System Details (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. eve-server.txt

jdhirst commented 1 year ago

@Almamu I wonder if this is related to that other issue I ran into when making a new character the other day?

Almamu commented 1 year ago

I will have a look now, could be related, yes

Almamu commented 1 year ago

Your error seems to come from the Capsule creation for the player and not from the SelectCharacterID call in itself... Can you run this query against the database and send what the result is?: SELECT * FROM invTypes WHERE typeID = 670;

It should return one record for the capsule, if It's not then there's something missing in the database (either the setup didn't complete or other issue), I guess you did the manual setup?

5anitybane commented 1 year ago

Yep, it returns one result. Sorry, had to type the output manually as it's running on bare metal Linux. All compiled manually, yes.

typeID, groupID, typeName, description, graphicID, radius, mass, volume, capacity, portionSize, raceID, basePrice, published (the non-existent value), marketGroupID, chanceOfDuplicating, copyTypeID, soundID, iconID, dataID, typeNameID, descriptionID

670 | 29 | Capsule | Standard capsule. | 73 | 2 | 32000 | 1000 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 0.07 | 0 | 0 | 73 | 16672658 | 67810 | 79912

Almamu commented 1 year ago

Looks correct to me. Was there any other error in the log? Can you share the full log of this run? Looks like something didn't load properly on startup, but I cannot really say unless there's something in the log pointing to the error...

5anitybane commented 1 year ago

I've attached the log to this reply. It doesn't seem to point to a lot. Almost 3am here so I'll pick it back up tomorrow. 21-01-2023-02-23.log

Almamu commented 1 year ago

I'm looking at this top to bottom but I don't really see why it would crash at that point :/ Have you tried it again since? I cannot reproduce the issue at all on my side either...

5anitybane commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately it still occurs. I'm just going to blast it and rebuild from scratch with new prerequisites in case something broke during build somehow, despite it succeeding. I'll update once it's complete.

5anitybane commented 1 year ago

Yep, rebuilt solution and it still occurs, I'm afraid. I've put some messages into the server_error_discussion chat on Discord for now to see if there was something else wrong in prerequisite install.

ZyenDomani commented 10 months ago

your ItemFactory isnt creating the pod. const ItemType *iType = sItemFactory.GetType(data.typeID); if (iType == nullptr) { codelog(ITEM__ERROR, "II::CreateItemID() - Invalid type returned for typeID %u", data.typeID); return 0; } dont know why, but if you wanna debug it, try enabling item logging and create new char.

i dont think this error will stop char creation, mostly because i dont remember if i put a test for that, but think i did.

either way, the item factory isnt creating the pod, and without tracing it, i dont know why.
