EvHaus / react-pdf-charts

Allows SVG-based React charts to be rendered in react-pdf
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Expand support for `Legend` #363

Open ajmnz opened 1 month ago

ajmnz commented 1 month ago

Clear and concise description of the problem


Looks like Legend is not fully supported yet. Props like layout or styles do not seem to work properly, maybe because this component renders a ul element?

Reproduction: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-pdf-charts-starter-7rlqyq?file=src%2FApp.tsx

Suggested solution

The ideal solution would be to support the most common legend props layout, align, etc.

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EvHaus commented 1 month ago

Adding support for layout="vertical" turns out to be surprisingly difficult. This is because recharts injects those styles as inline styles and those inline styles all assume browser-based positioning (rather than flexbox). If it was a class name instead, this would be a lot easier to support natively.

Unfortunately, <Legend> also doesn't provide any way to pass in a custom class, so the only way I think of working around this is via the chartStyle prop in react-pdf-charts.

So adding this would work:

const chartStyle = {
  'recharts-default-legend': {
    flexDirection: 'column',
    margin: 'auto',

<ReactPDFChart chartStyle={chartStyle}>...</ReactPDFChart>

Like so: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-pdf-charts-starter-emae4v?file=src%2FApp.tsx

Yes -- this is not ideal, but hopefully this gets you unblocked on your project.