EvanAgee / vuejs-wordpress-theme-starter

A WordPress theme with the guts ripped out and replaced with Vue.
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TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator)) #125

Open christopheSeeka opened 3 years ago

christopheSeeka commented 3 years ago


After npm install and running npm run watch im getting the following:

> webpack --watch --config ./webpack/webpack.config.js

                                throw err;

TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))

Any idea what it could be?

Thank you in advance

christopheSeeka commented 3 years ago

Working if i replace in webpack/loaders/files:

const [, themeName] = __dirname.match(/\/wp-content\/themes\/([^/]+)\/webpack\/loaders$/)


const themeName = __dirname.match(/\/wp-content\/themes\/([^/]+)\/webpack\/loaders$/)

enxoco commented 3 years ago

Same issue for me. I just cloned this repo today to try out. Using yarn instead of npm but getting the same error. I took @christopheSeeka advice and it seems to have resolved the issue for me as well.

EvanAgee commented 3 years ago

Thanks @christopheSeeka and @enxoco. Would one of you mind opening a PR to correct this?

christopheSeeka commented 3 years ago

Sent the PR :)

jucajuca commented 2 years ago

I confirm the issue and the fix