EvanGeissler / ENSE-400-Project-Night-Terror

Final Software Systems Engineering Project: A 3D horror game.
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Pause Menu #1

Closed EvanGeissler closed 5 years ago

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Needs: -To have a way to leave the game -To save the game -See objectives -See notes, items, collectibles -Have settings options -Have controller mappings

Should: -Be easy and quick to learn -Be easy to navigate

Considerations: -Keep similar items grouped together. For example, having collectables on one "page" -Different tabs for above sections

Date Started: November 3rd, 2018

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Added the following buttons to UI: -Unpause -Settings -Save Game -Load Game -Exit to Main Menu -Quit Game

Added the following functionality: -pause game (pauses entire game, loads up screen) by Pressing P -unpause by pressings P OR by selecting Resume. -return to the main menu. -quit game (leaves the entire game/exits it)

Considerations: -Clicking on Exit to Main Menu or Quit Game prompts use if they want to save the game or not and warns them all unsaved progress will be lost.

Total Time (so far): 2 hours

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Updated look of the interface. Will not add settings widget in this issue/milestone. Still look into above notes though. Saving/Loading will be another issue as well.

Date Finished: November 5th, 2018 Total Time: 3 hours