EvanGeissler / ENSE-400-Project-Night-Terror

Final Software Systems Engineering Project: A 3D horror game.
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Save & Load Game #11

Closed EvanGeissler closed 5 years ago

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Needs: -To save current progress -Save important assets, info, etc.

Should: -Allow users to save anytime

Considerations: -Different saving styles anytime such as quick saving, new saves, etc. -Checkpoint saving -Forced saving -May need to create multiple save files for different things (i.e. 1 for progress, 1 for items, etc) -Limit number of saves a player can make (i.e. 1, 2, as many as they want)

Date Started: September 26th, 2018

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Date Started is NOT Sept 26, 2018. Accident from pasting, saving has not yet been started.

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Added: -Can now save and load from the pause menu -Says if a file is created, saved, loaded, not loaded (i.e. does not exist)

Needs: -To ensure all proper saving fields are in fact saved -To save current progress -Save important assets, info, etc.

Should: -Be saved OR loaded from the save game file itself and not just in the pause menu where it currently is -Be able to save more than 1 file (But currently is just 1 master save)

Considerations: -Same as above

Date Started: December 22nd, 2018 Total Time So Far: 1 Hour

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Should: -Have a list of saved items so I can reference/change/update them quickly at any point AND so I can reference it in the final report

Notes: -Can't ensure all fields are being saved at this point as new things that need to be saved since they may or may not be implemented yet -Will constantly be updated save/load functions, but will close for now since the functionality is there and works and will update as the game envolves

Date Started: December 22nd, 2018 Total Time: 2 Hours