EvanGeissler / ENSE-400-Project-Night-Terror

Final Software Systems Engineering Project: A 3D horror game.
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Action Button & Display #35

Closed EvanGeissler closed 5 years ago

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Needs: -To be hidden and displayed at appropriate times -Be subtle, but also helpful -Should display the action button/symbol AND a short description

Should: -Make sense with button mappings

Considerations: -Have the Action button symbol make sense/look clean -Have the action displaying variable so that many different actions can be shown/displayed with minimal code. Current thought is to create the image and text associated in the HUD widget, and put code into the specific blueprints to allow for different text to show (action button image will most likely be the same, but allows for added flexibility)

Started at this point to get back into grove of Unreal/the project and also to assist in door creation.

Date Started: December 21st, 2018

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

HUD now has the following that begins as hidden: -Action Vertical Box -Action description (variable for different actions and will be modified from the objects themselves). This value is set to a default "ERROR". -Action image (this may change depending if we want action button or a possibly another button. Currently it is a red square, but will eventually be a nice image displaying the correct action)

-Added a reference variable to HUD in the level blueprint (currently only in the "Church" level) and will need to add this to all other levels. May consider to change this to be put into maincharacter1 and also to have the HUD creation on event begin play within maincharacter1. -Added a reference variable to mainCharacter1 called "Current Widget" that is used to store the reference mentioned above so that other blueprints can call/reference the HUD widget without needing the code directly inside the widget itself for visibility/descriptions

Total Time So Far: 30 minutes

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Was having issues between blueprints for accessing playing action input. Solved this by checking to see if there was an action overlap (which is set by the different blueprints) and sets a value in the main character blueprint. When the player presses action key while in overlap, will perform desired task (currently hooked to a reference of a matinee animation)

Considersations: -Use a struct reference for all actionable field types (i.e. animation/matinee, grab, etc.)

Total Time so Far: 2 hours

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Instead of struct, had implemented a reference per parent actionable type (Door, pickup, etc.) within the main character that would be set with the specific actor that is being collided with.

Total Time: 3.5Hours

EvanGeissler commented 5 years ago

Will need to be modified a bit further with addition of new things BUT the action button currently works for picking up a collectable and should be very straight forward for other actionable events (needed to add a switch on int)

Total Time: 4 Hours