EvanHahn / crystal-helmet

a port of the Node Helmet module to the Crystal programming language
MIT License
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Test Case Failed #1

Closed MuhammetDilmac closed 8 years ago

MuhammetDilmac commented 8 years ago

Hello, When i run crystal spec i get an error. Error;

Error in line 1: while requiring "./spec/nosniffhandler_spec.cr"

in ./spec/nosniffhandler_spec.cr:9: no overload matches 'Helmet::NoSniffHandler#next=' with type TestNext
Overloads are:
 - HTTP::Handler#next=(next : Handler | Proc | Nil)

    handler.next = next_handler
EvanHahn commented 8 years ago

Hmm, perhaps Crystal has changed.

Any chance you'd be able to take a stab at a pull request?

MuhammetDilmac commented 8 years ago

Hi @EvanHahn, I don't understand to why you use TestNext class?

EvanHahn commented 8 years ago

I probably missed it! I can take a look at this when I get to it. If you would like to make a pull request, feel free to!

bthachdev commented 8 years ago

I made a pull request to fix this problem. https://github.com/EvanHahn/crystal-helmet/pull/3

EvanHahn commented 8 years ago

Thanks to #3, this has been fixed in version 0.2.1.