EvanNotFound / hexo-theme-redefine

Simplicity in Speed, Purity in Design: Redefine Your Hexo Journey.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.28k stars 97 forks source link

Bump version to 2.6.1 #336

Closed EvanNotFound closed 4 months ago

EvanNotFound commented 4 months ago

Bug Fixes

335: Site generation bug fixed.

323: Image caption alignment corrected to center.

322: Removed whitespace below the footer after preloader is disabled.

321: Fixed the injector's location from head_end to body.

317: Background images on non-home pages are now properly displayed.

Feature Enhancements

331: Mobile view now includes a sidebar menu for easier navigation in the blog.

330: Default dark mode option added for user preference.

324: Adjusted column spacing in categories and modified link selection to prevent accidental navigation.

316: Social links and dropdown arrow positions have been updated for better accessibility.

272: Enhanced title spacing customization options.

242: Implemented support for displaying total word count on pages.