EvanNotFound / hexo-theme-redefine

Simplicity in Speed, Purity in Design. Redefine Your Hexo Journey.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.39k stars 111 forks source link

[BUG] 移动设备上无法正常确认密码 #405

Closed iyutong closed 1 week ago

iyutong commented 1 month ago

提交 Issue 前检查清单

Bug 描述

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start



GITHUB: https://github.com/EvanNotFound/hexo-theme-redefine

DOCUMENTATION: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com

DEMO: https://redefine.ohevan.com

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

BASIC INFORMATION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/basic/info


Site title

title: 梔锿的个人博客

Author name

author: 梔锿-iyutong-雨桐

Site URL

url: https://www.iyutong.cn

BASIC INFORMATION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

IMAGE CONFIGURATION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/basic/defaults



favicon: /images/iyutongy.png

Site logo

logo: /images/iyutongy.png

Site avatar

avatar: /images/iyutongf.png

IMAGE CONFIGURATION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

COLORS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/basic/colors


Primary color

primary: "#7098da"

Secondary color (TBD)

secondary: "#6eb6ff"

Default theme mode initial value (will be overwritten by prefer-color-scheme)

default_mode: dark # light, dark

COLORS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

SITE CUSTOMIZATION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/basic/global


Custom fonts


Chinese fonts

  enable: true # Whether to enable custom chinese fonts
  family:  # Font family
  url:  # Font URL to CSS file
# English fonts
  enable: false # Whether to enable custom english fonts
  family:  # Font family
  url:  # Font URL to CSS file

Content max width

content_max_width: 1000px

Sidebar width

sidebar_width: 210px

Effects on mouse hover

hover: shadow: true # shadow effect scale: true # scale effect

Scroll progress

scroll_progress: bar: true # progress bar percentage: true # percentage

Website counter

website_counter: url: https://cn.vercount.one/js # counter API URL (no need to change) enable: true # enable website counter or not site_pv: true # site page view site_uv: true # site unique visitor post_pv: true # post page view

Whether to enable single page experience (using swup). See https://swup.js.org/. similar to pjax

single_page: true

Whether to enable Preloader.

preloader: true

Whether to enable open graph

open_graph: true

Google Analytics

google_analytics: enable: false # Whether to enable Google Analytics id: # Google Analytics Measurement ID

SITE CUSTOMIZATION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

FONTAWESOME >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/basic/fontawesome

fontawesome: # Pro v6.2.1

Thin version

thin: false

Light version

light: false

Duotone version

duotone: false

Sharp Solid version

sharp_solid: false

FONTAWESOME <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

HOME BANNER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/home/home_banner


Whether to enable home banner

enable: true

style of home banner

style: fixed # static or fixed

Home banner image

image: light: /images/wallhaven-wqery6-light.webp # light mode dark: /images/wallhaven-wqery6-dark.webp # dark mode

Home banner title

title: 梔锿的个人博客

Home banner subtitle

subtitle: text: ["希望你别像风,在我这里面掀起万翻般波澜,却又跟云去了远方。","命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求","错误不可逆转,遗憾终究遗憾","不与智者争高低、不与愚者论对错"] # subtitle text, array hitokoto: # 一言配置 enable: true # Whether to enable hitokoto api: https://v1.hitokoto.cn # API URL, can add types, see https://developer.hitokoto.cn/sentence/#%E5%8F%A5%E5%AD%90%E7%B1%BB%E5%9E%8B-%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0 typing_speed: 100 # Typing speed (ms) backing_speed: 80 # Backing speed (ms) starting_delay: 500 # Start delay (ms) backing_delay: 1500 # Backing delay (ms) loop: true # Whether to loop smart_backspace: true # Whether to smart backspace

Color of home banner text

text_color: light: "#fff" # light mode dark: "#d1d1b6" # dark mode

Specific style of the text


Title font size

title_size: 2.8rem
# Subtitle font size
subtitle_size: 1.5rem
# Line height between title and subtitle
line_height: 1.2

Home banner custom font


Whether to enable custom font

enable: false
# Font family
# URL to font CSS file

Home banner social links


Whether to enable

enable: true
# Social links style
style: default # default, reverse, center
# Social links
  # ...... # you can add more
# Social links with QRcode drawers
  fa-brands fa-qq: /images/qq.png
  fa-brands fa-weixin: /images/wx.png
  # ...... # you can add more

HOME BANNER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

NAVIGATION BAR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/home/navbar


Auto hide navbar

auto_hide: true

Navbar background color

color: left: "#f78736" #left side right: "#367df7" #right side transparency: 35 #percent (10-99)

Navbar width (usually no need to modify)

width: home: 1200px #home page pages: 1000px #other pages

Navbar links

links: Home: path: / icon: fa-regular fa-house # can be empty 标签: path: /tags icon: fa-regular fa-tags # can be empty 分类: path: /categories icon: fa-regular fa-folder # can be empty 相册: #取名随意 icon: fa-solid fa-image #图标 path: /masonry/ 档案: path: /archives icon: fa-regular fa-archive # can be empty 友商: #取名随意 path: /links icon: fa-solid fa-link #图标


#   icon: fa-regular fa-link
#   submenus:
#     Link1: /link1
#     Link2: /link2
#     Link3: /link3
# ...... # you can add more

Navbar search (local search). Requires hexo-generator-searchdb (npm i hexo-generator-searchdb). See https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-generator-searchdb


Whether to enable

enable: true
# Preload search data when the page loads
preload: true

NAVIGATION BAR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

HOME PAGE ARTICLE SETTINGS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/home/home


Sidebar settings

sidebar: enable: true # Whether to enable sidebar position: left # Sidebar position. left, right first_item: menu # First item in sidebar. menu, info announcement: 你好啊,陌生人,很高兴认识你,希望我的文章对你有帮助。 # Announcement text show_on_mobile: true # Whether to show sidebar navigation on mobile sheet menu links: 标签: path: /tags icon: fa-regular fa-tags # can be empty 分类: path: /categories icon: fa-regular fa-folder # can be empty 相册: #取名随意 icon: fa-solid fa-image #图标 path: /masonry/ 档案: path: /archives icon: fa-regular fa-archive # can be empty 友商: #取名随意 path: /links icon: fa-solid fa-link #图标

...... # you can add more

Article date format

article_date_format: auto # auto, relative, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss etc.

Article categories visibility

categories: enable: true # Whether to enable limit: 3 # Max number of categories to display

Article tags visibility

tags: enable: true # Whether to enable limit: 3 # Max number of tags to display

HOME PAGE ARTICLE SETTINGS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

ARTICLE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/posts/articles


Set the styles of the article

style: font_size: 16px # Font size line_height: 1.5 # Line height image_border_radius: 14px # image border radius image_alignment: center # image alignment. left, center image_caption: true # Whether to display image caption link_icon: true # Whether to display link icon title_alignment: left # Title alignment. left, center headings_top_spacing: # Top spacing for headings from h1-h6 h1: 3.2rem h2: 2.4rem h3: 1.9rem h4: 1.6rem h5: 1.4rem h6: 1.3rem

Word count. Requires hexo-wordcount (npm install hexo-wordcount). See https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount

word_count: enable: true # Whether to enable count: true # Whether to display word count min2read: true # Whether to display reading time

Author label

author_label: enable: true # Whether to enable auto: false # Whether to automatically add author label, e.g. Lv1, Lv2, Lv3... list: []

Code block settings

code_block: copy: true # Whether to enable code block copy button style: mac # mac | simple font: # Custom font enable: false # Whether to enable family: # Font family url: # Font URL to CSS file

Table of contents settings

toc: enable: true # Whether to enable TOC max_depth: 5 # TOC depth number: true # Whether to add number to TOC automatically expand: true # Whether to expand TOC init_open: true # Open toc by default

Whether to enable copyright notice

copyright: enable: true # Whether to enable default: all_rights_reserved # Default license, can be cc_by_nc_sa, cc_by_nd, cc_by_nc, cc_by_sa, cc_by, all_rights_reserved, public_domain

Whether to enable lazyload for images

lazyload: true

Article recommendation. Requires nodejieba (npm install nodejieba). Transplanted from hexo-theme-volantis.


Whether to enable article recommendation

enable: true
# Article recommendation title
title: 推荐阅读
# Max number of articles to display
limit: 3
# Max number of articles to display mobile
mobile_limit: 2
# Placeholder image
placeholder: /images/wallhaven-wqery6-light.webp
# Skip directory
skip_dirs: []

ARTICLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

COMMENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/posts/comment


Whether to enable comment

enable: true

Comment system

system: waline # waline, gitalk, twikoo, giscus

System configuration


Waline comment system. See https://waline.js.org/

  serverUrl: # Waline server URL. e.g. https://example.example.com
  lang: zh-CN # Waline language. e.g. zh-CN, en-US. See https://waline.js.org/guide/client/i18n.html
  emoji: [] # Waline emojis, see https://waline.js.org/guide/features/emoji.html
  recaptchaV3Key: wasd # Google reCAPTCHA v3 key. See https://waline.js.org/reference/client/props.html#recaptchav3key
  turnstileKey:  # Turnstile key. See https://waline.js.org/reference/client/props.html#turnstilekey
  reaction: true # Waline reaction. See https://waline.js.org/reference/client/props.html#reaction
# Gitalk comment system. See https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk
  clientID: # GitHub Application Client ID
  clientSecret: # GitHub Application Client Secret
  repo: # GitHub repository
  owner: # GitHub repository owner
  proxy: # GitHub repository proxy
# Twikoo comment system. See https://twikoo.js.org/
  version: 1.6.10 # Twikoo version, do not modify if you dont know what it is
  server_url: # Twikoo server URL. e.g. https://example.example.com
  region: # Twikoo region. can be empty
# Giscus comment system. See https://giscus.app/
  repo: # Github repository name e.g. EvanNotFound/hexo-theme-redefine
  repo_id: # Github repository id
  category: # Github discussion category
  category_id: # Github discussion category id
  mapping: pathname # Which value to use as the unique identifier for the page. e.g. pathname, url, title, og:title. DO NOT USE og:title WITH PJAX ENABLED since pjax will not update og:title when the page changes
  strict: 0 # Whether to enable strict mode. e.g. 0, 1
  reactions_enabled: 1 # Whether to enable reactions. e.g. 0, 1
  emit_metadata: 0 # Whether to emit metadata. e.g. 0, 1
  lang: en # Giscus language. e.g. en, zh-CN, zh-TW
  input_position: bottom # Place the comment box above/below the comments. e.g. top, bottom
  loading: lazy # Load the comments lazily

COMMENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

FOOTER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/footer


Show website running time

runtime: true # show website running time or not

Icon in footer, write fontawesome icon code here

icon: ''

The start time of the website, format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss

start: 2021/3/9 13:14:00

Site statistics

statistics: true # show site statistics or not (total articles, total words)

Footer message

customize: 永远相信美好的事情即将到来

ICP record number. See https://beian.miit.gov.cn/

icp: enable: false # Whether to enable number: # ICP record number url: # ICP record url

FOOTER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

INJECT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/inject


Whether to enable inject

enable: true

Inject custom head html code


# Inject custom footer html code


PLUGINS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/plugins


RSS feed. Requires hexo-generator-feed (npm i hexo-generator-feed). See https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-generator-feed

feed: enable: false # Whether to enable

Aplayer. See https://github.com/DIYgod/APlayer

aplayer: enable: false # Whether to enable type: fixed # fixed, mini audios:

PAGE TEMPLATES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/page_templates


Friend Links page column number

friends_column: 2

Tags page style

tags_style: blur # blur, cloud

PAGE TEMPLATES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

CDN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/cdn


Whether to enable CDN

enable: false

CDN Provider

provider: npmmirror # npmmirror, zstatic, sustech, staticfile, bootcdn, cdnjs, jsdelivr, unpkg, custom

Custom CDN URL

format example: https://cdn.custom.com/hexo-theme-redefine/${version}/source/${path}

The ${path} must leads to the root of the "source" folder of the theme


CDN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

DEVELOPER MODE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start

Docs: https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com/developer


Whether to enable developer mode (only for developers who want to modify the theme source code, not for ordinary users)

enable: false

DEVELOPER MODE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end












No response








No response


No response

iyutong commented 1 month ago


EvanNotFound commented 1 week ago

Duplicate of #400

EvanNotFound commented 1 week ago

主题 v2.7.0 已发布,请前往更新 https://github.com/EvanNotFound/hexo-theme-redefine/releases