EvanRespaut / Equate

Unit converting calculator
GNU General Public License v3.0
67 stars 17 forks source link

internet connection timeout #35

Open lupa18 opened 5 years ago

lupa18 commented 5 years ago

Since some days I detected something not working with currency conversion.

And or gives me "internet connection timeout" error img_20180913_162750

I tried different networks

I'm using 1.6 version

EvanRespaut commented 5 years ago

Yahoo removed their currency API. I switched to a new one with less currencies that will hopefully stay around longer. The update is live as of yesterday, version 1.7.

sebadamus commented 5 years ago

Justo tried 1.7 from playstore (used to get you from fdroid), seems new api dont have the same currencies avaiable :-(, south america i.e., hope it can be added later, thanks.

lupa18 commented 5 years ago

yes, I'm in south america this was a very powerful tool for me :(

EvanRespaut commented 5 years ago

Yeah the new source has less sources, sorry about that. I can look around for another API that provides more currencies, but options that are free are very limited :(

EvanRespaut commented 5 years ago

Just updated the app to add back support for ~150 currencies! Let me know if people have issues