Eve-of-Darkness / db-public

Vanilla database for Dawn of Light
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Updated Necro and Minion summoning spells for 1.87 #202

Closed tegstewart closed 4 years ago

tegstewart commented 4 years ago

Patch 1.87: All Necromancer pets are now one level higher when summoned. This means that they cap out now at level 45 instead of level 44. The sub pets have been increased by one level to make them con blue to level 50 characters.

This was being done in code, so necro pets were one level higher than the DB made them, and at BD level 50 minions were having their level raised to 41.

My last PR removed that, so the DB now needs to be updated to match.

Level 15 minions were capped at one level too low, causing them to be capped before the next pet in the line was available e.g. at level 20 the pet was capped at level 15 when it should be 16, so I raised the cap to 16 to remedy that.

From a balance standpoint, BDs will be a little more powerful at <50 as their pets will be 1-3 levels higher.