Closed DigitalBox98 closed 3 years ago
We can't guarantee the bins you have provided work as described. if you need macos bins one of the trusted team members will need to build and verify it to get it into the repo. All you did was build this with OSX from the existing go source ?
Yes exactly, it was build from the sources.
I'm not an expert with GO building, but below was my quick and dirty solution to generate the macOS version from the sources for "concat".
export GO111MODULE=on export GOOS=darwin export GOARCH=amd64
go get -u go get -u
cd src/scripts/src mv export_to_json.go export_to_json.sav go mod init go build
=> concat binary generated in the current directory
I didn't have yet the time to review how to create a clean script, but if I have time to look at it I will provide one : )
Only the executables are provided.
The existing build script would need to be rewritten to handle module definition and building on all platforms