It's possible currently only to create a new production batch in Prism Production Manager. It would be nice to be able to add a job or a few of them into en existing batch because often it's hard to choose all necessary jobs at once.
For instance if I just finished to research some BPO and not created yet a job for this blueprint I need to return back to BP Manager and create it. After I return back to Production Manager my selection is reset and I should to start selecting my jobs again. It's time consuming and not handy.
It would be useful to add selected production job(s) to a new batch job as well like it possible now by clicking Make Batch button or to an existing one through popup menu list. May be even this functionality should be available only through context menu action and Make Batch button should be deleted.
It should be allowed to add a few similar production jobs into the same batch.
Description of change
It's possible currently only to create a new production batch in Prism Production Manager. It would be nice to be able to add a job or a few of them into en existing batch because often it's hard to choose all necessary jobs at once.
For instance if I just finished to research some BPO and not created yet a job for this blueprint I need to return back to BP Manager and create it. After I return back to Production Manager my selection is reset and I should to start selecting my jobs again. It's time consuming and not handy.
It would be useful to add selected production job(s) to a new batch job as well like it possible now by clicking Make Batch button or to an existing one through popup menu list. May be even this functionality should be available only through context menu action and Make Batch button should be deleted.
It should be allowed to add a few similar production jobs into the same batch.
Released in