After CCP has added Structures (Citadels, Engineering Complexes) manufacturing and science changed quite a bit. Structures add bonuses to those job kinds. These bonuses depends on structure kind (citadels don't bonus but engineering complexes do) and rigs. Rig bonuses depend on the Security Status of the location. At the same time POSes don't bonus anymore so we should remove them. We need to support those changes.
Blueprint Calculator dialog changes
Checkbox "Use POS Array for production" should be replaced with a checkbox "Use Structure bonuses".
Combobox under this checkbox should be replaced with a combobox with a list of favorite structures "Favorite Structures".
Under "Favorite Structures" combobox a button "Edit Favorite Structures..." should be placed. Clicking on this button opens a dialog "Favorite Structures" that will be described later.
"Station ME Bonus" field and label should be removed.
"Production Runs" field and label should be placed down one row.
"Location" combobox should be placed one row down.
If user has checked "Use Structure bonuses" "Favorite Structures" combobox and "Edit Favorite Structures..." button should be enabled; "Location" combobox should be disabled.
The dialog should correctly save "Location" combobox value (for the moment it's broken).
Favorite Structures dialog
The list is populated with names of stored previously structures. User can select only one item.
"Add a structure button..." opens "Favorite Structure Editor" dialog with empty dataset.
Context menu "Edit structure data..." opens "Favorite Structure Editor" dialog with preloaded dataset for the selected structure.
Context menu "Remove structure..." opens a confirmation dialog and if user agree removes the selected structure from the list.
"Close" button closes this dialog.
Favorite Structure Editor dialog
"Name" field contains the name of the favorite structure. Required.
"Type" combobox populated with the current structure type names (Citadels and Engineering Complexes). Required.
"System" combobox populated with all star systems names (K-Space and W-space). Required.
Manufacturing Jobs Bonuses from Rigs group
Contains 3 lines of controls for choosing actual bonuses by item group. Actual bonuses could be found by this link.
"Item group" combobox in each line populated with item groups defined for each structure industry rig type. The list has an empty value.
"ME Bonus" and "TE Bonus" combobox populated with 3 values: 0%, T1 rig bonus (%), T2 rig bonus(%). Values for the first and the second items in the list depends on the system security status (High, Low, Null or WH). Default value selected is 0%.
If user changed the structure location class using "System" combobox the value in ME and TE combobox should be changed accordingly but the index of the selected value should remain unchanged.
Scientific Jobs Bonuses from Rigs group
Contains 3 lines of controls for choosing actual bonuses by type of scientific job. Actual bonuses could be found by this link.
"Scientific Job Type" combobox in each line populated with following items: Invention, ME Blueprint Research, TE Blueprint Research, Blueprint Coping. The list has an empty value.
"CE Bonus" and "TE Bonus" combobox populated with 3 values: 0%, T1 rig bonus (%), T2 rig bonus(%). Values for the first and the second items in the list depends on the system security status (High, Low, Null or WH). Default value selected is 0%.
If user changed the structure location class using "System" combobox the value in CE and TE combobox should be changed accordingly but the index of the selected value should remain unchanged.
Other dialog functionality
User cannot save data if he has not specified all required value.
User cannot save date if he specified more than 3 bonuses in total. Counts values in "XX bonus" comboboxes not equal to 0%.
If user has selected an item group or a scientific job type but has not specified bonus values they should be saved anyway.
Changes in a production job calculation
Material : Base (1 - Blueprint Materiel Efficiency / 100) (1 - Structure Materiel Efficiency / 100) * (1 - Rigs Material Efficiency / 100)
Time : Base (1 - Blueprint Time Efficiency / 100) (1 - Structure Time Efficiency / 100) * (1 - Rigs Time Efficiency / 100)
Cost : Base (1 + System Cost Index / 100) (1 - Structure Cost Efficiency / 100) * (1 - Rigs Cost Efficiency / 100)
After CCP has added Structures (Citadels, Engineering Complexes) manufacturing and science changed quite a bit. Structures add bonuses to those job kinds. These bonuses depends on structure kind (citadels don't bonus but engineering complexes do) and rigs. Rig bonuses depend on the Security Status of the location. At the same time POSes don't bonus anymore so we should remove them. We need to support those changes.
Blueprint Calculator dialog changes
Favorite Structures dialog
Favorite Structure Editor dialog
Manufacturing Jobs Bonuses from Rigs group
Contains 3 lines of controls for choosing actual bonuses by item group. Actual bonuses could be found by this link.
If user changed the structure location class using "System" combobox the value in ME and TE combobox should be changed accordingly but the index of the selected value should remain unchanged.
Scientific Jobs Bonuses from Rigs group
Contains 3 lines of controls for choosing actual bonuses by type of scientific job. Actual bonuses could be found by this link.
If user changed the structure location class using "System" combobox the value in CE and TE combobox should be changed accordingly but the index of the selected value should remain unchanged.
Other dialog functionality
Changes in a production job calculation