Hi there, when inserting the invoice description I pass in data thats correct and shows it as the same in the web interface.
Im having issues when pulling the invoice data back. The description is 'OneTime:'
My code is below.
It would be great to get this data back as the name of the order. i.e..
Order Information
Order Title: 'Order 123123'
var id = customer2.Id;
// returned only 2014-05 InvoiceItems
var queryData = new XmlRpcStruct() { { "ContactID", id } };
List L = new List();
var invoiceItems = client.DataService.Query(
table: "Invoice",
limit: 1000,
page: 0,
queryData: queryData,
selectedFields: new[]
"Id", "Description", "OrderTitle" //, "InvoiceAmt", "DateCreated", "Description", "Discount", "OrderItemId"//, "CustomFields"
Hi there, when inserting the invoice description I pass in data thats correct and shows it as the same in the web interface.
Im having issues when pulling the invoice data back. The description is 'OneTime:'
My code is below.
It would be great to get this data back as the name of the order. i.e..
Order Information Order Title: 'Order 123123'
var id = customer2.Id; // returned only 2014-05 InvoiceItems var queryData = new XmlRpcStruct() { { "ContactID", id } }; List L = new List();
var invoiceItems = client.DataService.Query(
table: "Invoice",
limit: 1000,
page: 0,
queryData: queryData,
selectedFields: new[]
"Id", "Description", "OrderTitle" //, "InvoiceAmt", "DateCreated", "Description", "Discount", "OrderItemId"//, "CustomFields"