EventSaucePHP / ObjectHydrator

Object Hydration library to create Command and Query objects.
MIT License
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Expose PropertyHydrationDefinition to PropertyCaster::cast() to access inferred type #68

Open JRoblesAtQuadrant opened 4 months ago

JRoblesAtQuadrant commented 4 months ago

I've got a model, that uses several VO properties, using a ValueObjectInterface.

Trying to create a generic PropertyCaster, CastToValueObjectInterface, I miss the concrete Attribute target (the property on whom is applied) to hydrate the property without need to explicity add the class to be hydrated on the attribute

class Name implements ValueObject {
     public function from(mixed $value): self

final readonly class Model {
    public Name $name

readonly class CastToValueObjectInterface implements PropertyCaster {
    public function cast(mixed $value, ObjectMapper $hydrator, PropertyHydrationDefinition $context=null): mixed
        if (!$context?->firstTypeName instanceOf ValueObject)
            throw \InvalidArgumentException("Annotated property does not implement ValueObject");

       return ($context->firstTypeName)::from($value);