EventStore / EventStore

EventStoreDB, the event-native database. Designed for Event Sourcing, Event-Driven, and Microservices architectures
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Multitargeting `EventStore.Client` package for both `netstandard2.0` and `net` #1664

Closed enricosada closed 5 years ago

enricosada commented 6 years ago

It's possibile to have a single nuget package for the eventstore client api, using multitargeting instead of the two separate EventStore.ClientAPI and EventStore.ClientAPI.NetCore?

i volounteer to help with that, just need to discuss what do you prefer

That will fix:

That will help:

May i ask why a separate repository for .net standard? The reason it's to not upgrade to latest sdk (old csproj) in repo?

There are some options to minimize that friction:


megakid commented 6 years ago

This would be good.

The EventStore.ClientAPI can target netstandard2.0 and net46 (and maybe netcoreapp2.1 if we want to have some #ifdefs to use fancy new .NET core features). I don't think I've seen any issues with the EventStore.ClientAPI.NetCore (or major differences in the code) so, as you say, it must be tooling that is the blocker for integration.

enricosada commented 6 years ago

@gregoryyoung is that fine for you? i'll send a PR with new .net core sdk project in parallel to existing codebase, and merge packages at end of build script. That allow to maintain current projects for net4*, with minimal maintenance, without go all-in with new sdk

gregoryyoung commented 6 years ago


p10tyr commented 5 years ago

Has this been merged? Why is this closed?

I am facing this issue now where I want to use EmbeddedClient which is 4.6.1 but I did all my Architecture using EventStore.ClientApi.Core - My Architecture code needs IEventStoreConnection which is in both packages.

Installing both packages causes namespace hell. I tried to create external alias for one DLL which I thought would just work if I casted one to the other.. But that was asking for too much.

Is there a workaround??

How do I use EmbeddedClient with a DotnetStandard Library? (which relies on EventStore.ClientApi.Core)

I would like to pass in the IEventStoreConnection or something that will let the other client connect and do its thing.

gregoryyoung commented 5 years ago

"Has this been merged? Why is this closed?"

@ppumkin its not closed I am not sure why you believe it to be closed?

megakid commented 5 years ago

@enricosada do you have any movement on this? Would be interesting to see a draft of your proposal even if it's not complete?

p10tyr commented 5 years ago


OK I see the ticket number is different but its the same title? I thought it was referring to THIS one being closed.. that is why 🎃

Any way for now, I changed my CORE project to reference the 4.6.1 Packages - Its gives me a warning but everything seems to work OK. I suppose there may be a problem if I try to deploy it to Linux or something but for now it works OK for me... (after saving this post I will probably find out some issue)

But yea this is quite confusing ☹️

enricosada commented 5 years ago

@megakid I'll send a PR soon

enricosada commented 5 years ago

wip in

shaan1337 commented 5 years ago

As from version 5.0.0, EventStore.Client now targets both netstandard 2.0 and net46.