Eventual-Inc / Daft

Distributed DataFrame for Python designed for the cloud, powered by Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Requirements #228

Closed jagadhees-ravi closed 1 year ago

jagadhees-ravi commented 1 year ago

Hi, Can you please tell what are all the requirements when installing daft. I'm using python 3.9. The error I am getting while installing is

"ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ray==1.13.0 (from getdaft) (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for ray==1.13.0".

samster25 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks for reaching out! The requirements for daft can be found here.

Did you mind sharing how you are installing daft?

samster25 commented 1 year ago

Also would be great if you could share your operating system!

jagadhees-ravi commented 1 year ago


I am using windows 11. I am installing daft using "pip install getdaft" command in cmnd prmpt. Is there something i need to install or have on my pc before doing this?

jaychia commented 1 year ago

Hi @jagadhees-ravi - it seems that your setup is having trouble finding the version of Ray (which is a dependency of Daft) that satisfies its requirements.

I see that Ray has distributions for Windows but only for Python 3.7 onwards: https://pypi.org/project/ray/1.13.0/#files

What version of Python are you using?

jagadhees-ravi commented 1 year ago

Hi Jaychia, I am using Python 3.10 version. I have installed ray 1.13 also and it's still not working. Below message is the new error i'm getting now. "ERROR: Failed building wheel for getdaft Failed to build getdaft ERROR: Could not build wheels for getdaft, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects"

jaychia commented 1 year ago

Hi Jaychia, I am using Python 3.10 version. I have installed ray 1.13 also and it's still not working. Below message is the new error i'm getting now. "ERROR: Failed building wheel for getdaft Failed to build getdaft ERROR: Could not build wheels for getdaft, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects"

Thanks @jagadhees-ravi, we have opened an issue #235 to build wheels for Windows so that you won't need to build from source. Your system is likely not equipped for building daft from source and that is why you are having this error. For now, if you have access to a Mac/Linux machine we would suggest that in the meantime.

Will update when ready!

jagadhees-ravi commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jaychia, Hope issue #235 will be resolved in no time.