Eventual-Inc / Daft

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RFC: allow [TEST] label for conventional commit #3397

Open andrewgazelka opened 10 hours ago

andrewgazelka commented 10 hours ago

Right now we only allow

However, sometimes I want to add a PR that only has tests. I experience this a lot in Spark Connect when I realize a feature doesn't need any extra implementation because it has already been implemented by another PR.

I want to add the test PR to clarify that we have completed implementing df.{feature}.

Proposal: Add a new type of commit that is only for tests. Probably: [TEST]

https://github.com/Eventual-Inc/Daft/blob/ec39dc01ff6879ef2cff43d8f577cacfaaca1cf7/.github/release-drafter.yml#L3-L28 https://github.com/Eventual-Inc/Daft/blob/ec39dc01ff6879ef2cff43d8f577cacfaaca1cf7/.github/workflows/pr-labeller.yml#L50

kevinzwang commented 9 hours ago

Not particularly opposed to this, but is there a reason you wouldn't include your tests with the relevant feature or bug fix PR? You can also consider using [CHORE]

jaychia commented 9 hours ago

Go for it. Also [CHORE] is probably fine.

andrewgazelka commented 8 hours ago

Not particularly opposed to this, but is there a reason you wouldn't include your tests with the relevant feature or bug fix PR? You can also consider using [CHORE]


types other than fix: and feat: are allowed, for example @commitlint/config-conventional (based on the Angular convention) recommends build:, chore:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor:, perf:, test:, and others.

People often have test (although not required).

Chore is probably the closest we have right now

Here is a subjective cheat sheet someone made https://gist.github.com/Zekfad/f51cb06ac76e2457f11c80ed705c95a3?utm_source=chatgpt.com

They define:

chore: Changes which doesn't change source code or tests e.g. changes to the build process, auxiliary tools, libraries test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests