Closed JimiSweden closed 1 year ago
SignalR hubs register as transient, and event handlers always register as singletons. You can't have a singleton having a transient dependency as it effectively makes that dependency a singleton. It gets instantiated once when the application starts receiving events, and it doesn't connect to anything.
Thanks Alexey :) Yes i know that the hub is transient ant handlers are singletons, And controllers being transient explains why the hubcontext work inside a controller. But how come I can use the hubcontext inside a singleton service being called from a controller?
My idea for getting around the issue is to use Mediatr or something similar. What do you think is a good solution? Thanks!
I don't know really, haven't thought about it. Why do you need a query model to be sent to the client, is the state and the new events collection not enough?
Well, I don't need the query model to be sent. I wanted to broadcast a message but only after the data is available in Mongo. F ex:
I can for sure do this in other ways,
But perhaps I'm using Eventuous in a "wrong way" here.
Regarding using Mediator or similar I reallise I will end up with the same issue of the Hubcontext not being the same/synced. Thus I think I would have to use somehing like an observable queue, event bus or separate API where SignalR is acting on incoming messages.
And regarding the service registration (not my strongest in depth knowledge) I realised I can not use "builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider();" to get a serviceprovider for Geting a service - as this would be on a different "container/instance"
This is how I solved handling sending messages to SignalR (in an "ugly way") since I couldn't figure out how to use the existing functionality in Eventuous to subscribe to All with "subscribe from now" aka "Volatile subscriptions". I did try to figure out how to implement the abstract class EventSubscription but didn't get it work.
in Registrations.cs I subscribe to the "catch-up" AllStreamSubscription. And use the MongoCheckpointStore as a "first filter" to not get old messages. Then to avoid handling old messages if the MongoCheckpointStore gets reset/deleted I use a ConsumeFilter to only allow "recently" created events.
services.AddSubscription<AllStreamSubscription, AllStreamSubscriptionOptions>(
builder => builder
.UseCheckpointStore<MongoCheckpointStore>() //to get latest checkpoint as a first filter to not act on old events.
//Ugly filter.. to not get old messages, in case the checkpoint store is reset..
//should be handled with a subscription only listening "from now" : TODO: How? (perhaps creating a standard subscription directly from ES client?
//not sure how much this newing up datetime would impact performance in a production system.
.AddConsumeFilterFirst(new MessageFilter(ctx => ctx.Created.ToUniversalTime() > DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-15))) //created seems to be utc always, but making sure it is...
BookingsSignalRHandler .cs
/// <summary>
/// Important, don't use this without filtering out old events,
/// Preferably us it in a subscription where you subscribe from "now".
/// </summary>
public class BookingsSignalRHandler : EventHandler
private readonly IBookingsHubService _bookingsHubService;
public BookingsSignalRHandler(IBookingsHubService bookingsHubService)
_bookingsHubService = bookingsHubService;
//On<BookingPaymentRecorded>(async ctx => await HandlePayment(ctx.Message, ctx.CancellationToken));
On<V1.RoomBooked>(async ctx => await HandleRoomBooked(ctx, ctx.CancellationToken));
On<V1.BookingChanged>(async ctx => await HandleBookingChanged(ctx, ctx.CancellationToken));
On<V1.BookingCancelled>(async ctx => await HandleBookingCancelled(ctx, ctx.CancellationToken));
private async Task HandleBookingCancelled(MessageConsumeContext<V1.BookingCancelled> consumeContextMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
throw new NotImplementedException();
private async Task HandleBookingChanged(MessageConsumeContext<V1.BookingChanged> ctx, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _bookingsHubService.BookingChanged(ctx.Stream.GetId(), ctx.Message);
private async Task HandleRoomBooked(MessageConsumeContext<V1.RoomBooked> ctx, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
throw new NotImplementedException();
and the BookingsHubService.cs (just wrapping the IHubContext for now)
public interface IBookingsHubService //: IBookingsHub
public Task RoomBooked(string bookingId);
public Task BookingChanged(string bookingid, BookingEvents.V1.BookingChanged bookingChanged);
//todo: bookingCancelled
public class BookingsHubService : IBookingsHubService
private readonly IHubContext<BookingsHub> _hubContext;
/// <summary>
/// Note: When client methods are called from outside of the Hub class,
/// there's no caller associated with the invocation.
/// Therefore, there's no access to the ConnectionId, Caller, and Others properties.
/// (using Groups and "Personal Groups" solves parts of this)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hubContext"></param>
public BookingsHubService(IHubContext<BookingsHub> hubContext)
_hubContext = hubContext;
public async Task RoomBooked(string bookingId)
await _hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("RoomBooked", bookingId);
public async Task BookingChanged(string bookingId, BookingEvents.V1.BookingChanged bookingChanged)
var message = new
Title = "Room reserved",
await _hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("BookingChanged", message);
If you need a volatile subscription, you can read one event from $all backwards, and then assign the commit position as the start for the NoOpCheckpointStore
. It doesn't persist anything, just gives you the option to set the start position to whatever you want, and eventually get back the current position.
Btw your domain model seems a bit weak. I know it is off topic, just want to give you feedback.
smells CRUD, and you can look deeper in the domain to distill it. Why would someone "change" the booking? If they want to check in earlier - it's one thing, If they want to check out later - it's another. Changing the room is allocation. All of that would require engaging different constraints when it comes to availability and pricing.
I understand that it's more like a demo :) Still, for a good demo you'd benefit showing the real potential of a proper domain model, where ChangeBooking
would serve as an example of something you should not have there.
Hi 😃
I want to add a CompositionEventHandler and I looked at the implementation of Eventuous.Subscriptions.Polly.SubscriptionBuilderExtensions; AddEventHandlerWithRetries I also looked at Eventuous.EventStore.Subscriptions.SubscriptionBuilderExtensions; UseCheckpointStore
What I want to achieve A Wrapping handler that sends messages on SignalR IHubContext after a MongoDbProjection is executed.
Everything works as expected with my Wrapper; executing after the wrapped EventHandler
my IHubContext when used from BookingsHubOnMongoDbProjected* never has any clients, although client is online and gets messages from other places; such as inside MyBookingsProjection (added here for testing, but I don't want it here) and from a controller method in CommandApi**
when using the BookingHubService - Yes clients when using the IHubContext - Yes clients
I have also tried to use a Transient version of BookingHubService (as a "don't think it will matter but I'm running out of ideas") IHubContext still has no clients.
Registrations.cs - AddEventuous()..
My Bookings.Hubs.SubscriptionBuilderExtensions.cs
My Bookings.Hubs.BookingsHubOnMongoDbProjected.cs