EverSoul / Omega-Adventure-Pack

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Two issues about the modpack #17

Open Jacksonion opened 4 years ago

Jacksonion commented 4 years ago

First, where can I change the default texture in these file? I cant find the exact location of the png files. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/675472090161479691/684753675838554175/unknown.png

i.e. I wanna change the armor bars display cuz its super unclear and kinda ugly, but I cant find the default texture file anywhere https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/675472090161479691/684761609327214602/unknown.png

Second, I was wondering how can I enable red ant troll block, termite troll block and ancient dried easter bunny block (cant mine them)? I try to look in the config file but there're no options to enable them. It seems that blocks from Orespawn have a bit of problems

Explodingcr commented 3 years ago

navigate to the resourcepacks folder as you usually would, and ants are disabled due to issues. If you want ants, get a dried spawn egg or cheat them in.