EverSoul / Omega-Adventure-Pack

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dedicated server tick issues #35

Open therealm7 opened 4 years ago

therealm7 commented 4 years ago

Capture Capture while 25gb of ram and 5 cores of 4.5 GHz is available it errors out even with these resources. So how do i run this server?

therealm7 commented 4 years ago

fml-server-latest.log this is the log of the entire server if this helps

RaveTr commented 3 years ago

looks like thaumcraft has a problem, from what I see anyway. I'm actually not entirely sure what it is, but thaumcraft is involved. Suggesting contacting the dev when possible or deleting the mod, as I do not know much but try to help

Also (and I've said this in like 2 other threads) my server doesn't create a session.lock file and complains about not having access to it. If it helps, I'm running both the server and client on my pc (it's a workstation). server resources: 12gb ram, 8 cores (4.8ghz)