EverSoul / Omega-Adventure-Pack

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Naga death animation crash #36

Closed Xodias closed 3 years ago

Xodias commented 4 years ago

Killing the naga will cause a crash when it plays two death animations at the same time. Disabling culling tweaks fixes this.

enableCullingTweaks = false

Crashlog provided if you wanted to look at it yourself. I also provided the config that fixed the crash. Change the file extension on the fastcraft config from .txt to .ini to use it in the pack.

crash-2020-06-11_15.06.50-client.txt fastcraft.txt

Xodias commented 4 years ago

Could be related to #3 , but they provided no information on the crash

EverSoul commented 3 years ago

Issued is fixed. Thanks for providing the info.