Everblush / gtk

Everblush GTK theme made with Phocus
MIT License
51 stars 3 forks source link

Let active components highlighted #6

Open paulhersch opened 2 years ago

paulhersch commented 2 years ago

Hi i would like to have components of GTK Apps that are active highlighted with this theme.

example: Xournal++ active modes. Currently you only have a visual identifier of a component being active when hovering over it: non hovered: 08-04-111227 pen active, pen hovered: 08-04-111240 eraser active, pen hovered: 08-04-111244

this does not only apply to Xournal++ but to some other programs as well, they dont have visual identifiers for active components.

Mangeshrex commented 1 year ago

sure :D gtk is totally under rewrite it may take some time