Everduin94 / better-commits

A CLI for creating better commits following the conventional commits specification
MIT License
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Use js file for configuration instead of json #62

Closed extrem7 closed 5 months ago

extrem7 commented 6 months ago

It could also be helpful to support JS configuration because scopes could be generated automatically based on folders structure using node path utils.

Everduin94 commented 6 months ago

I may be misunderstanding. But, because the config is a language like json, you can achieve this in any language AFAIK.

Using a basic example / pseudo code in javascript/nodejs, you could generate a config based on the file structure of a project and write it to your json config.

import { readdirSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'

const YOUR_SRC_DIR = '...'

const options = readdirSync(YOUR_SRC_DIR , { withFileTypes: true })
    .filter(dir=> dir.isDirectory())
    .map(dir => ({value: dir.name, label: dir.name}))

const config = {
    commit_scope: {
        options: options
  // Whatever else you want in your config...

const config_as_json = JSON.stringify(config, null, 2);

const DIR_WITH_YOUR_CONFIG = '...'
writeFileSync(`${DIR_WITH_YOUR_CONFIG}/.better-commits.json`, config_as_json );
extrem7 commented 6 months ago

I see. But in this case, I need to regenerate it on each new module created. I use cz-customizable now and just generate scoped on fly.

Everduin94 commented 6 months ago

I believe I see what you're saying. You're using node utils here (https://github.com/leoforfree/cz-customizable/blob/master/cz-config-EXAMPLE.js#L27) to generate scopes whenever you run npm run commit, correct?

You can do the same with better-commits using your package.json commands, a bash script, etc...

Adapt the js you're currently using to generate scopes to save JSON to your .better-commits.json (as mentioned aboved). Then update your better-commits command/alias to update your config before running better commits.

As an example with something like bun.js, the command might be bun run scopes.js && better-commits.

I have a few issues that when I get to (I just had a baby 😅) I plan to reduce the size of better-commits significantly. better-commits is already small & simple compared to alternatives like commitizen. Adding the ability to write a js config adds a lot of complexity to the project. In other words, it's better to combine existing tools with better-commits than to bolt on to it.

Hope that clarifies / helps!