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Cannot create plain material with no Texture image? #178

Closed jonmdev closed 11 months ago

jonmdev commented 11 months ago

I am just getting started with a MAUI/Evergine integration. The project builder is very smooth and it works out of the box with no glitches which is great. Really fantastic work on the integration.

I would like to instantiate an object with a standard diffuse material (no PNG texture/graphic wanted - just based on color, specularity, roughness, etc).

I tried following the tutorial here: https://docs.evergine.com/2023.9.28/manual/graphics/materials/create_materials.html and put in my MyApplication.cs:

public override void Initialize()

    // Get ScreenContextManager
    var screenContextManager = this.Container.Resolve<ScreenContextManager>();
    var assetsService = this.Container.Resolve<AssetsService>(); 

    // Navigate to scene
    var scene = assetsService.Load<MyScene>(EvergineContent.Scenes.MyScene_wescene);
    ScreenContext screenContext = new ScreenContext(scene);

    // Load the effect...
    Effect standardEffect = assetsService.Load<Effect>(EvergineContent.Effects.StandardEffect);
    //var standardTexture = assetsService.Load<Texture>(EvergineContent.Textures.dfgLut_png); //NEEDED OR JUST RENDERS FLAT COLOR

    // Load a Render Layer description...
    RenderLayerDescription layer = assetsService.Load<RenderLayerDescription>(EvergineContent.RenderLayers.Opaque);

    // Create your own material...
    StandardMaterial materialDecorator = new StandardMaterial(assetsService.Load<Effect>(EvergineContent.Effects.StandardEffect));
    //materialDecorator.BaseColorTexture = standardTexture; //NEEDED OR JUST RENDERS FLAT COLOR
    materialDecorator.Material.LayerDescription = layer;

    // Apply to an entity
    Entity primitive = new Entity()
            .AddComponent(new Transform3D())
            .AddComponent(new MaterialComponent() { Material = materialDecorator.Material })
            .AddComponent(new TeapotMesh())
            .AddComponent(new MeshRenderer());



If I try to generate a teapot this way, without a Texture set to the Material Decorator I get only a flat color with no shading (bottom left is programmatically instantiated by the above without the texture applied, to the right is a normal teapot already added to the scene in Evergine editor rendering correctly):

Screenshot 2023-12-25 182509

If I activate the lines in the code above to load that texture (the only thing I could find just by autocomplete default options in there), I get this:

Screenshot 2023-12-25 182805

This is at least rendering some shading on it, so presumably the Texture is what is missing.

If I am doing this correctly, how do you then create a blank Texture then just for a flat color?

I see this article which explains how to create a Texture from code: https://docs.evergine.com/2023.9.28/manual/graphics/low_level_api/texture.html

If we need a flat color Texture, are we supposed to use that guide and create a 1x1 pixel texture on the fly for the color we need?

Or am I missing something?

Thanks for any help.

jonmdev commented 11 months ago

Figured it out. Just needed to add:

            materialDecorator.LightingEnabled = true;
