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learn page Debank API query not working #2731

Open Softdev1 opened 1 month ago

Softdev1 commented 1 month ago


endpoint : /user/simple_protocol_list correct endpoint and arguments are being selected the issue is at the filtering condition where the chain value must be 'eth' but its selecting 'ethereum'

query: What's the balance of 0x5853ed4f26a3fcea565b3fbc698bb19cdf6deb85 in 5 protocols under ethereum chain

approach : This may get solved by passing the final enums or function arguments to filter template. Can think of just prompting but that cannot be general solution (have to investigate and test)

further improvement: we might not need both endpoints docs /user/simple_protocol_list and /user/all_simple_protocol_list

all_simple_protocol_list is capable of giving data from simple_protocol_list

https://docs.cloud.debank.com/en/readme/api-pro-reference/user#get-user-simple-protocol-list-on-all-supported-chains https://docs.cloud.debank.com/en/readme/api-pro-reference/user#get-user-simple-protocol-list