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Finetune and evaluate best LLM for code ~7b with “average” prompts #2829

Closed Softdev1 closed 1 day ago

Softdev1 commented 3 days ago


Finetune a state-of-the-art code-focused LLM such as IBM Granite with the pairs “average” (prompt) and “content” (code) from the new dataset (~100k rows). Evaluate the resulting model by manually comparing its output with the base model and the other models finetuned with the new dataset.

danielbrdz commented 2 days ago

Model Link: https://huggingface.co/braindao/iq-code-evmind-v3-granite-8b-instruct-average

Fine tuning script link: https://github.com/EveripediaNetwork/iq-code-evmind/tree/master/iq-code-evmind-v3-granite-8b-instruct-average