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NetBeans TypeScript editor plugin
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NetBeans 8.2, JHipster (Maven) and TypeScript plugin #134

Open aleksandarcajic opened 6 years ago

aleksandarcajic commented 6 years ago

Hi! I have really strange issue with Netbeans and TypeScript plugin. Already I've noticed existing posts about this topic and I was hopping that this latest version of the plugin will solve my issue too but without success.

Environment specification:

Plugin worked only first time after installation of NodeJS, Yarn and generating JHipster Angular 5/JavaEE project. Only that time I had no issue with TS files and everything was fine, and I followed step by step tutorial how to generate project and configure TypeScript plugin.

After first restart of the OS, Netbeans stops working properly with TS files and in general with TypeScript. I've tried many things to fix this issue but without success.

I've tried to move tsconfig.json file into another folders of opened project and to close Netbeans and start it again. I have tried with Netbeans re-installation and plugin re-installation (downgrading versions), nothing helped.

What I have noticed is, if I just rename tsconfig.json into tsc.json file Netbean will show all properties in Navigator without issue and syntax error will not be shown. But this didn't helped with TS files though. Also, in case Netbeans was ran by root user TypeScript plugin will run properly (it seems) but in that case rest parts of a project will not be fine.



If you have any idea or a solution how to solve this issue, I will appreciated that a lot! @jeffrey-easyesi thank you in advance! Best!

nico0756 commented 6 years ago

I have exactly the same problem! The only difference is that I'm running on Windows 10. If I open my web app as a separate project everything works fine, so I'm pretty sure this happens because the plugin can't find the tsconfig.json file in the maven project tree.

Rycochet commented 6 years ago

I've had (different) problems with NetBeans in the past due to file permissions etc - it was several years ago now, but uninstalling and reinstalling Java and NetBeans completely seemed to fix it.

My issues were almost completely to do with "working perfectly until it was quit and restarted" - so related in that sense only.