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install not asking for ssl files, when i DONT want to use the "Let's Encrypt" option #17

Open gadget78 opened 4 months ago

gadget78 commented 4 months ago

as tittle really, when i select n, it doesn't actually prompt for any files...

Do you want to setup Let's Encrypt automatic SSL (recommended)? [Y/n] n

You have opted out of automatic SSL setup. You need to have obtained SSL certificate files for 'evernode3.zerp.network' from a trusted authority. Please specify the certificate files you have obtained below.

Using 'evernode3.zerp.network' as host internet address.

Checking country code...

its displaying that line, You have opted out of automatic SSL setup. You need to have obtain..... but it didnt stop for me to enter anything, went direct to the "does your host have IPv6.....` i have a ngnix proxy BEFORE the server, so it already has SSL ... is it detecting that, and why its not asking maybe ?