EvernodeXRPL / evernode-test-resources

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custom ipv6 subnet allocation empty value #5

Open sorudev opened 5 months ago

sorudev commented 5 months ago

when prompted about custom nested ipv6 subnet you can hit enter without providing one. It should either prompt you thats incorrect value and repeat question or disable ipv6 but its not doing it. Currently installator just goes to next step which leads to an error later on while minting lease tokens:

Do you want to allocate the entire address range of the subnet 2001:ZZZZ:XXXX:4468:9000::/72 to Evernode? [Y/n] n

Please specify the nested IPv6 subnet you want to allocate for Evernode (this must be a nested subnet within 2001:ZZZZ:XXXX:4468:9000::/72 subnet): 
main: line 641: [: Params not specified.: integer expression expected
Using Params not specified. IPv6 subnet on ens18 for contract instances.

cgroups rules engine service found: 'cgrulesengd'
Using 'cgrulesengd' as cgroups rules engine service.
Minting lease tokens...
An error occurred while minting! What do you want to do?
(2) Abort
(3) Rollback
Minting lease tokens...
An error occurred while minting! What do you want to do?
(2) Abort
(3) Rollback
Minting lease tokens...
An error occurred while minting! What do you want to do?
(2) Abort
(3) Rollback


2024-02-09 14:36:56 Created symlink /home/sashimbxrpl/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants/sashimono-mb-xrpl.service → /home/sashimbxrpl/.config/systemd/user/sashimono-mb-xrpl.service.
2024-02-09 14:36:56 Installed Evernode Xahau message board.
2024-02-09 14:36:56 [STAGE] Registering host on Evernode registry rnBfE4fDsypwptoBmVCQTgD4cKFLXr8ZTJ
2024-02-09 14:36:56 Executing register with params: FR 800000 1000 1000 1000 1                 AMD_EPYC_7351P_16-Core_Processor 6 2395 evr@soru.dev _
2024-02-09 14:36:57 CLI_OUT: NOT_REGISTERED
2024-02-09 14:36:57 MB_CLI_EXITED
2024-02-09 14:36:58 Registering host...
2024-02-09 14:36:59 Burning unsold URITokens related to the previous leases.
2024-02-09 14:36:59 Pending sell offer found.
2024-02-09 14:37:04 Transaction result: tesSUCCESS
2024-02-09 14:37:04 Waiting for the sell offer 945ECC8C8B202ABA33A10C09DB236E899F5B22F386DC6F2A8017DC66902E50BC
2024-02-09 14:37:08 Accepting the sell offer..
2024-02-09 14:37:14 Transaction result: tesSUCCESS
2024-02-09 14:37:14 [STAGE] Minting lease tokens...
2024-02-09 14:37:15 Minting leases for instance slots...
2024-02-09 14:37:15 Error: Invalid argument: <addr>/<prefix> expected
2024-02-09 14:37:15     at new CIDR (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:42:6591)
2024-02-09 14:37:15     at Object.createCIDR (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:42:11370)
2024-02-09 14:37:15     at UtilHelper.generateIPV6Address (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:1:53485)
2024-02-09 14:37:15     at Setup.mintLeases (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:1:39378)
2024-02-09 14:37:15     at async main (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:57:470845)
2024-02-09 14:37:15 MB_CLI_EXITED
2024-02-09 14:39:35 [STAGE] Minting lease tokens...
2024-02-09 14:39:36 Minting leases for instance slots...
2024-02-09 14:39:36 Error: Invalid argument: <addr>/<prefix> expected
2024-02-09 14:39:36     at new CIDR (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:42:6591)
2024-02-09 14:39:36     at Object.createCIDR (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:42:11370)
2024-02-09 14:39:36     at UtilHelper.generateIPV6Address (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:1:53485)
2024-02-09 14:39:36     at Setup.mintLeases (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:1:39378)
2024-02-09 14:39:36     at async main (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:57:470845)
2024-02-09 14:39:36 MB_CLI_EXITED
2024-02-09 14:39:39 [STAGE] Minting lease tokens...
2024-02-09 14:39:40 Minting leases for instance slots...
2024-02-09 14:39:40 Error: Invalid argument: <addr>/<prefix> expected
2024-02-09 14:39:40     at new CIDR (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:42:6591)
2024-02-09 14:39:40     at Object.createCIDR (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:42:11370)
2024-02-09 14:39:40     at UtilHelper.generateIPV6Address (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:1:53485)
2024-02-09 14:39:40     at Setup.mintLeases (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:1:39378)
2024-02-09 14:39:40     at async main (/usr/bin/sashimono/mb-xrpl/index.js:57:470845)
2024-02-09 14:39:40 MB_CLI_EXITED```