EveryGoodWork / ChapterVerse

Scripture lookup bot written in Rust.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

Add Twitch Whisper Support #36

Closed pinghajen closed 1 month ago

pinghajen commented 1 month ago

Add support for !joinchannel in whispers. This could be extended to all commands if desired.

PeterMHammond commented 1 month ago

Support to receive all commands via whispers to the bot account has been implemented, HOWEVER, whispers from bots are heavily restricted to reduce on the spam issues. https://discuss.dev.twitch.com/t/bot-help-whispers/25729/7 So although the command is received and executed, it is likely that the reply will fail in response. Meaning !joinchannel will work, however there will be no response to the user to indicate the command was successful. They can test it's success by trying commands on their channel's chat.

PeterMHammond commented 1 month ago

The whisper will be echo'd to the account's chat that ChapterVerse is running as. image