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How to GIT #21

Open CosticaPuntaru opened 8 years ago

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

tips and tricks and guidelines on how to use github,

i know that github is not the repo used company wide, but having a bug in a 3rd party component may require adding issues to that component, knowing how to write a proper issue can help knolage on how to use "watch" "star" "fork", submitting a pr can be useful

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

@arcade or @fk1blow do you offer your knowledge?, i'm not a good github user and from what i know you have some experience with it

iliutastoica commented 8 years ago



CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

no, i don't want to make it about git, how to use git cli and things i want to do it about how an issue needs to be written, how a pr should look, the description, title, labels, and maybe other things i don't know about

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

for example: ctrl + enter in the comment section posts the comment, not needing to use the mouse to press comment button is a nice feature to know that it exists

fk1blow commented 8 years ago

well, one source would be the CONTRIBUTING doc that every major/important repo has. As an example, this is the doc for the reactjs https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

is there something similar for tips and tricks, like i've exemplified above ?

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

knowing markdown, with the github flavor can help a lot: https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/

fk1blow commented 8 years ago

dis - https://github.com/git-tips/tips

fk1blow commented 8 years ago

much better - https://github.com/tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet

raulvasile commented 8 years ago


Also, change the name of the issue from How to GitHub into How to Git ... the platform (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, etc.) is irrelevant.

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

ctrl + enter is not supported by gitlab

arcade commented 8 years ago

Actually I suggest we don't learn platform specific shortcuts except the ? (question mark) command that works for both gitlab and github and which will present a contextual help menu with supported key bindings for the page you are viewing

fk1blow commented 8 years ago

i agree with @arcade on this one! There is no reason to "learn" interfaces that work with git - sourcetree, github desktop, github web, gitlab, etc. I believe there's a more interesting approach to learn git as an app, conventions, best practices, etc