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Tail call optimization #33

Closed raulvasile closed 8 years ago

raulvasile commented 8 years ago

This is advanced, but If you start working with recursion, you must know how to optimise your code :)

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

some resources can be found on #25 but a full presentation is welcomed

raulvasile commented 8 years ago

Already got a small demo for this, based on Fibbonaci sequence :D

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

ill do this presentation for the next Thursday, i will aim for a 10-15 min

raulvasile commented 8 years ago

Ok, if you need help, let me know :)

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

@raulvasile if you want it you can present it, there are many other presentations needed...

raulvasile commented 8 years ago

I can do it

raulvasile commented 8 years ago

Wrote the code for it, I hope next week I can present it :)

Link to repo: https://github.com/raulvasile/fibotail

ViorelMocanu commented 8 years ago

This was presented already, right?

raulvasile commented 8 years ago

Not by me ... don't know if @CosticaPuntaru did it

raulvasile commented 8 years ago

This one was presented. Link to presentation and sourcecode: https://github.com/raulvasile/fibotail

ViorelMocanu commented 8 years ago

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPBY9D5f7GM PDF slides: https://everymatrix.com/sitebuildingacademy/EveryMatrix%20Workshops%20acadEMy%20-%20Programming%20Techniques%20-%20Tail%20Call%20Optimization.pdf