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HTML 101 #36

Closed ViorelMocanu closed 8 years ago

ViorelMocanu commented 8 years ago

How to HTML. No, really.

raulvasile commented 8 years ago

HTML = how to meet ladies? If yes, then I'm in! +1

Kidding. HTML has a lot of unused tags (for example, recently I discovered that for lists ul, there is a special tag for list header, lh, which might give you a small shortcut).

CosticaPuntaru commented 8 years ago

well, @raulvasile you are one of the happy cases where you know a bit of html, there are others that don't know or get the meaning of some html tags... i don't want to point to specific offices, but we want to avoid having people like that between us.

ViorelMocanu commented 8 years ago

Video presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfGbd6XecNQ PDF slides: https://everymatrix.com/sitebuildingacademy/EveryMatrix%20Workshops%20acadEMy%20-%20Beginners%20-%20Introduction%20to%20HTML.pdf Example page (HTML): https://everymatrix.com/sitebuildingacademy/html101/example-1.rar