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Functional Programming in JavaScript #41

Open fk1blow opened 8 years ago

fk1blow commented 8 years ago

JavaScript gives the opportunity to use many functional programming techniques, besides the well-known oop constructs.

FP gives more power and more expressiveness to programs, making them (more) modular, easier to test and develop. In JavaScript, we already work with functions, being them closures, function statements, higher order functions, etc. But how does it compare to oop? What are the patterns that Functional JavaScript provides? Do we have restrictions that oop doesn't? Can oop do things that FP cannot do? Performance issues(stack overflow, tail-call optimizations). What are higher-order functions and how we're using them in a multi-paradigm JavaScript? Difference between oop mindsent and the functional one(very important)???

This presentation/workshop will try to answer these questions by providing comparisons with Object Orientend JavaScript; building real life apps using a combination of these two paradigms and comparing them side-by-side.

reading material

https://drboolean.gitbooks.io/mostly-adequate-guide/content/ http://jrsinclair.com/articles/2016/gentle-introduction-to-functional-javascript-intro/

libraries for lulz

http://ramdajs.com/ http://reactivex.io/ https://lodash.com/

FP in client-side js

https://angular.io/ http://cycle.js.org/ http://redux.js.org/docs/introduction/ https://facebook.github.io/react/

raulvasile commented 8 years ago


morarasu-alexandru commented 8 years ago


Paul1205 commented 8 years ago


arcade commented 8 years ago

+1 and I think I have something on the topic, need to look through my slides

ViorelMocanu commented 8 years ago

When would you like this to be presented?

fk1blow commented 8 years ago

i would like more time to develop a sample (something-something) and to have some discussions with @CosticaPuntaru and @arcade (he wants to add something to the topic) To answer your questions, sometime after yours and @raulvasile's presentations

creative-eye commented 7 years ago
