EveryVoiceTTS / EveryVoice

The EveryVoice TTS Toolkit - Text To Speech for your language
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Resuming training for text-to-spec model does not resume with appropriate losses #534

Open roedoejet opened 1 month ago

roedoejet commented 1 month ago

To recreate: train a text-to-spec model, then add a finetune_ckpt value and resume training (you might need to change another model value like the max number of steps). the losses do not resume properly.

Maybe related to https://github.com/EveryVoiceTTS/EveryVoice/pull/473


SamuelLarkin commented 4 weeks ago


First run shows some overlap between the previous run (cyan) and resuming (pink). Did we miss that behavior previously or is it a new phenomenon? image

SamuelLarkin commented 3 weeks ago

A more detailed view of the overlap between first run and first resume.


It seems, again, that the global_step isn't consistent and changes during resuming. Resuming occurs at on_fit_start: ce=0 gs=0 and we see that prior gs=2208 which looks like the value in tensorboard then it goes back to gs=2000 which doesn't quite align to tensorboard's value.

2024-09-05 15:32:48.029 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_epoch_start: ce=2 gs=1472
2024-09-05 15:32:52.469 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_start: ce=2 gs=1500
2024-09-05 15:32:52.470 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_epoch_start: ce=2 gs=1500
2024-09-05 15:34:04.321 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_epoch_end: ce=2 gs=1500
2024-09-05 15:34:04.326 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_end: ce=2 gs=1500
2024-09-05 15:35:18.382 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_start: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:35:18.383 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_epoch_start: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:36:33.070 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_epoch_end: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:36:33.073 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_end: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:37:04.835 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_epoch_end: ce=2 gs=2208
2024-09-05 15:37:04.836 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_end: ce=3 gs=2208
2024-09-05 15:37:05.100 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_fit_end: ce=3 gs=2208
2024-09-05 15:37:48.261 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_fit_start: ce=0 gs=0
2024-09-05 15:37:48.532 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_start: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:37:48.533 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_epoch_start: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:37:48.544 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_start: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:37:48.545 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_epoch_start: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:38:55.279 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_epoch_end: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:38:55.282 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_end: ce=2 gs=2000
2024-09-05 15:39:28.536 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_epoch_end: ce=2 gs=2208
2024-09-05 15:39:28.537 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_epoch_start: ce=3 gs=2208
2024-09-05 15:40:11.124 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_start: ce=3 gs=2500
2024-09-05 15:40:11.125 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_epoch_start: ce=3 gs=2500
2024-09-05 15:41:22.792 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_epoch_end: ce=3 gs=2500
2024-09-05 15:41:22.795 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_validation_end: ce=3 gs=2500
2024-09-05 15:42:27.431 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_epoch_end: ce=3 gs=2944
2024-09-05 15:42:27.432 | DEBUG    | everyvoice.base_cli.callback:log_debug:47 - on_train_epoch_start: ce=4 gs=2944
SamuelLarkin commented 2 weeks ago

While tracing the code while resuming from a checkpoint, we should be getting this warning because is_resumable_loader == False and self.global_step == 500 & `expected_steps == 736'

reset [_TrainingEpochLoop] training_epoch_loop.py:161

  if self.global_step % expected_steps != 0 and not is_resumable_loader:
      "You're resuming from a checkpoint that ended before the epoch ended and your dataloader is"
      " not resumable. This can cause unreliable results if further training is done."
      " Consider using an end-of-epoch checkpoint or make your dataloader resumable by implementing"
      " the `state_dict` / `load_state_dict` interface.",


Update: When you know what to look for you can find it in your log.

SamuelLarkin commented 2 weeks ago

The following graphs are comprised of two separate runs. Both curves are using the potential fix to this issue which is to set save_on_train_epoch_end=True when instantiating last_ckpt_callback = ModelCheckpoint(). Otherwise, the framework doesn't save a checkpoint at the end of an epoch thus when we resume, we actually resume from a checkpoint that is earlier which causes the staggering of runs.

One more point to notice, is that there are gaps when we restart and those have to do with the fact that lightning doesn't record the value of train a step 0 when we restart but rather delays it after a couple of updates.


Looking at the following graph, we see that the blue curves are sometimes dotted because during that run/resume, one a single validation was performed.


Since we are performing a single epoch at a time, we can now see clear distinction between epoch image

Looking at the previous state of resuming, we can see that each run were spanning multiple epochs which shouldn't have happened in the current run mode of one epoch at a time. We see the spanning across multiple epochs because each colored line are not simply a straight horizontal line but rather are "S" shape-like. One oddity we can also see is, how come the purple line, which represent an epoch, isn't the same length as the other epoch? For that matter, how come the epochs are not all of the same length? image

SamuelLarkin commented 2 weeks ago

Test Code

# vim:nowrap:
#SBATCH --job-name=resume-EV
#SBATCH --partition=gpu_a100
#SBATCH --account=nrc_ict__gpu_a100
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
##SBATCH --partition=standard
##SBATCH --account=nrc_ict
#SBATCH --qos=low
#SBATCH --time=720

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --mem=16G

##SBATCH --comment="image=nrc/nrc_all_default_ubuntu-22.04-amd64_latest"
##SBATCH --comment="image=registry.maze-c.collab.science.gc.ca/sschpcs/generic-job:ubuntu22.04_master"

#SBATCH --output=%x-%j.out
#SBATCH --error=%x-%j.err
#SBATCH --open-mode=append
##SBATCH --mail-user==sam037
##SBATCH --mail-type=NONE

#SBATCH --signal=B:15@30

## Priority:
#$ low
## Resources:

function downsize {
   # Given a new-project, change some default values to make everyvoice faster to test.
   sed \
      -i \
      -e '/use_postnet/ s/: .*/: false/' \
      -e '/batch_size/ s/: .*/: 5/' \
      -e '/save_top_k_ckpts/ s/: .*/: 25/' \
      -e '/check_val_every_n_epoch/  s/: .*/: 1/' \
      -e '/val_check_interval/  s/: .*/: 1.0/' \

ulimit -v unlimited

readonly step_size=1
readonly version=${1:?logger version name?}

# Load up EveryVoice's environment.
source /space/partner/nrc/work/dt/sgile/opt/miniconda3/bin/activate ""
conda activate EveryVoice.sl

ulimit -v unlimited

readonly step_size=1
readonly version=${1:?logger version name?}

# Load up EveryVoice's environment.
source /space/partner/nrc/work/dt/sgile/opt/miniconda3/bin/activate ""
conda activate EveryVoice.sl

   # Log some information for post-run debugging.
   head -n 31231231 $0  # Log this script in case we make modificatons between runs
   ( set -o posix; set ) >&2  # What was the shell environment like?
   conda env export   # What was the conda environment like?

   head -n 12312312 config/*.yaml  # What was the configurations that were used?

   ( cd ~/sam037/git/EveryVoice && git diff main..HEAD; )
} &> $SLURM_JOB_NAME-$SLURM_JOB_ID.bookkeeping

echo "========== PREPROCESSING ==========" >&2
[[ -s preprocessed/filelist.psv ]] ||
   srun everyvoice preprocess config/everyvoice-text-to-spec.yaml --cpus $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK

echo "========== RESUMING TRAINING FEATURE PREDICTION ==========" >&2
set -o errexit
#   --config-args training.attn_bin_loss_weight=0
# NOTE: if the finetune_checkpoint doesn't exist, training starts from scratch.
#for current_epoch in {0..15..3}; do
for current_epoch in {0..5..1}; do
   # TODO: record each run into its own log + global log
   previous_epoch=$(($current_epoch - 1))
   echo "Training up to $current_epoch"
   sha1sum $model_ckpt || true

   srun everyvoice train text-to-spec \
      config/everyvoice-text-to-spec.yaml \
      --config-args training.finetune_checkpoint="$model_ckpt" \
      --config-args training.max_epochs=$((current_epoch+$step_size)) \
      --config-args training.logger.version=$version

   mv "logs_and_checkpoints/FeaturePredictionExperiment/$version/metrics.csv" \
      "logs_and_checkpoints/FeaturePredictionExperiment/$version/metrics.csv.$current_epoch" \
   || true

   ls -l logs_and_checkpoints/FeaturePredictionExperiment/$version/checkpoints/*
   cp "logs_and_checkpoints/FeaturePredictionExperiment/$version/checkpoints/last.ckpt" \
   sha1sum logs_and_checkpoints/FeaturePredictionExperiment/$version/checkpoints/*
SamuelLarkin commented 2 weeks ago

Let's make sure we always save at the end of a training epoch by adding save_on_train_epoch_end=True

    # This callback will always save the last checkpoint
    # regardless of its performance.
    last_ckpt_callback = ModelCheckpoint(
