EverythingSmartHome / fingerprint-mqtt

Fingerprint sensor with MQTT support based on Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not getting it to work with Oled #12

Open Ryukenden88 opened 3 years ago

Ryukenden88 commented 3 years ago


when i use the first version fingerprint-mqtt.ino the sensor works perfectly. i followedd your video and it works in home assistant too.

When i try any other version it doesnt. I did solder the extra wires 4 and 5 to D3 and 3v as written. but non of the codes work with it. I am using a Wemos d1 mini for it with a OLED on pins D1 sda, and D2 scl.

Any idea what could be causing this?

Ryukenden88 commented 3 years ago


Got the screen to work, but now it is stuck on Ready. Nothing happens when i put my finger on the sensor (which is not green now)

Ryukenden88 commented 3 years ago

Edit 2:

It works now, turns out the code says:


But it should be:


Pin d3 on the Mini is Gpio 0

Now the next problem is, the functions in home assistant are not working. The learn/delete and Fingerprint status all stopped working. The device DID remember 3 id's that i programmed in before with the original code, i just cant add any new ones.

Ryukenden88 commented 3 years ago

Edit 3:

Home assistant functions did stop, but i managed to add new fingerprints to it with MQTT with the fingerprint_sensor/1/request topic. Now the next thing is, can you add a name or is it just id 1, id 2 etc?

EverythingSmartHome commented 3 years ago

Hello, I see you've made progress. I didn't not write the code for the OLED sketch or the disabling the LED function hence the pins used by someone else may have been different - I haven't tested it.

To get the learn script to function correctly, remove the first action inside the script and it will work after that for learning within HA.

No, this fingerprint sensor does not support names, only IDs, names have to be done within HA.

Ryukenden88 commented 3 years ago


thank you for your reply. im not sure which part includes the fist action, do you mean remove all of this?

  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: input_text.fingerprint_data
      value: |-
        {% if states('input_text.fingerprint_data') == "unknown" %}
        {% endif %}

Alright, no names is fine i can live with that.

EverythingSmartHome commented 3 years ago

Yes that's correct, removing that should allow it to work. Jump into the discord if you need some more help

Ryukenden88 commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

i swapped it out with the oled script and the learn/delete butons work again. The only part now not working is the Fingerprint status glance card, which includes Fingerprint Sensor mode, Fingerprint Status Mode and Fingerprint Person.

Ill drop by later today as im off to work now. Thank you yet again for your help!