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Button-card template 'card_esh_welcome' is missing! #1

Open robs23 opened 2 years ago

robs23 commented 2 years ago


I'm getting _Button-card template 'card_eshwelcome' is missing! error. What puzzles me is that for button card templates we're refencing file in "../../custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/", and we're placing custom_card_esh_welcome in "ui_lovelace_minimalist/custom_cards/". Tried many different things and can't get it to work. Perhaps you could take a look?

MichaelToryusen commented 2 years ago

Hey @robs23 I just ran into the same issue. I have managed to fix it by doing the following steps Create a folder called "card_esh_welcome" here "/config/custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/card_templates/" Then create a file "card_esh_welcome.yaml" and paste the code from the template section in the readme Then after a refresh I was able to get the card working.

This could also probably work if you added an additional include a separate template directory in the custom cards directory but I went for the quick and easy route. Good Luck

EverythingSmartHome commented 2 years ago

Usually this error occurs if you have forgotten to restart minimalist after copying the custom card to the folder. No need to create any sub directories or anything - the way shown in the video and in the sample code is the correct way still.