Evilcome / oars

A nodejs module making node-restify more easy to use.
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Create a reference app using OARS #3

Open marcellodesales opened 9 years ago

marcellodesales commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

I've been trying to simplify restify as well... Right now, I have integrated swagger-based version of a server based on "Models". That could fit perfectly here for automating an ORM layer for the controllers...

Could you provide a reference application using OARS? That would be easier to understand your intent... Maybe others could work on improving upon the reference app as it would be easier to understand how OARS work!

As of an idea of what example to implement, we could use the swagger API pet store!


Thanks a lot! Keep it up!

Evilcome commented 9 years ago

@marcellodesales for now, you can use yeoman generator tool get a sample app: https://github.com/Evilcome/generator-oars

your are right, we should rich the api docs, and I'll try swagger-api. :-)