Evilnat / Cobra-PS3

Cobra for PS3
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PS3 beeping thrice problems #43

Closed Windows10User2 closed 3 months ago

Windows10User2 commented 9 months ago

The PS3 beeps thrice and restarts when returning to XMB from IRISMAN using the PS button (but not if using the Circle button) after uploading files from the PC to the PS3 with FileZilla Client and with an USB device connected to the PS3;

Sometimes, the PS3 also beeps thrice and restarts after exiting a game or app using the PS button with an USB device connected to the PS3;

There are times when the PS3 beeps thrice and restarts in other occasions as well.

I've reinstalled Evilnat 4.90 Cobra 8.4 [PEX], FileZilla Client and IRISMAN 4.90, used the Restore File System and Rebuild Database settings from Safe Mode and swapped the HDD for the previous one and for a new SSD and I still have these issues.

EDIT: If I close FileZilla Client after uploading files from the PC to the PS3 or if I don't connect an USB device to the PS3 before uploading them (or if I take it after uploading them), I can return to XMB from IRISMAN using the PS button without the PS3 beeping thrice and restarting.